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My thin black fur was thrown about in the wind, causing me to lean into the warm body of my mother.

All my other siblings had been adopted in an instant, but being the runt of the litter had it's misfortunes. At least now I had all the food I wanted to myself. My brothers and sisters would always eat all the food, leaving me with the smaller scraps. I never had the full attention of my mother, but everything now just seemed so surreal and peaceful.

I stood up on shaky legs, surprised when a huge gush of wind came, almost knocking me over. My paws gently padded along the wooden decking, as I made my way to the glass door. I remember when all the other pups, would wander into the glass, thinking there was no door there.

I pawed at it gently, wanting inside, as the temperature was dropping, now that the sun was no longer visible. My whimpering became more apparent, when I realised my mother was not gone.

I scratched at the door, tapping to be let indoors. I stared into the emptiness of the place I once called home, as the door slammed shut, my mother desperately trying to get to me from the other side.

Why were they leaving me? Had I done something wrong? I didn't, did I?
Well at least I don't think I did.

I kept barking and crying out for what felt like hours, before my throat started to feel scratchy from both barking, and lack of water.

I tried to keep my eyes open, in hopes that if they were to come back they would see me. I eventually curled up, tucking my tail over my nose when my legs had other plans. Letting out one final cry, I closed my eyes, finally allowing sleep to take control.

I awoke to the dark sky growling, before endless amounts of rain fell from the clouds. The water was ice, making me shiver all over.

Before I knew it I heard a loud crackling noise, and I was blinded by the illuminated sky.

I shook with fear, and started screaming bloody murder. I just wanted warmth, I wanted my mom.

Part of the roof near me caved in, pushing me out further into the rain.

I yelped as another flash took away my vision, I jumped towards a small hole in the fence, desperately trying to escape the torrential downpour.

My collar got caught on the wood, snagging at the fabric material. I pulled forth, only resulting in me letting out a yelp.

Luckily, I saw a man dressed in police gear, with another man wearing identical clothing, running straight towards my direction.

"Hey there little one, don't worry I'll help you," the one with a sheriff badge said gently, while scooping me up in his arms. I instantly snuggled into his chest, searching for warmth and safety. Man, was I grateful for these guys right here.

I felt the rain stop, and a sudden change in temperature, causing me to shiver even more so than I was already. I heard a small high pitched yet hopeful voice ask, "is she okay? What's her name? Can we keep her?"

The man holding me instantly replied, "Carl go to bed, Lori can you make sure he goes to sleep please," while looking at a brown haired woman. Lori nodded yes, before leading Carl away, he couldn't have been more than eight or nine at the most.

The other guy, was doing something or other, in what I could only assume was a kitchen. He called out, "Rick, should I go get some blankets or towels?" I let my eyes drift up towards Rick who just nodded, while sighing.

"Come on let's get this food in you," he said pointing at a small bowl of something, that smelt amazing. Rick grabbed it, and slowly picked a piece up, before offering it to me.

I sniffed it first, doubling checking that it was safe to eat, before demolishing the soft food. He picked up another piece, then another, then another, and soon enough there was nothing left. I wriggled around a little bit, so that I had full access to lick his face. I thank you, I thank you, I thanks you. Here's a kiss, to make sure that you know I am thanking you.

Before long, Lori came down with the brown haired man, carrying blankets and towels, and a cardboard box?

I watched intently, as she put the blankets and towels inside the box, while I felt Rick's hand examining my collar. "Finley?" he called out.

My eyes and full attention instantly fell onto Rick, as I let out a little tip, in hearing my name.

"Well Finley, this is my wife Lori, and my friend Shane, and that little boy who was down here before, that's my son, Carl, and I'm Rick, welcome home Finn," he said pointing out Lori, himself and Shane as he spoke. Home. Home, my place of comfort and safety, what more could I ask for, lovely owners, my own joy to play with. I was for sure gonna love life, living here.

I looked up hopefully at Rick, as he placed me down gently in the box, before beginning to speak to Shane and Lori.

If theres one thing that I was sure on, it was that these people were my saviours.

"You know, having Finn, could actually mean we have a K-9 on the team. I mean, she's the correct breed, seems to be easy enough to train. Means all we have to do, is take her to some classes. Make her an official police dog, then we have ourselves a new team member." I heard Rick say.

Lori nodded before speaking up, "Well I'm gonna go to bed now, night." Shane called after he, "Night Lori."

Not long after, Shane left the house, leaving just me and Rick. He stood there for a while, frozen, not moving or anything, just breathing. After a minute or two, he walked towards a flight of stairs, and started climbing up them slowly, looking quite sad. I heard a faint click, before everything fell into darkness.

Once he was out of sight, I heard another crack of lightning, and waited for Rick to return, and walk back down the stairs. But to my horror, he didn't. I paused for a second, momentarily debating my next movement, before letting out a long, yet heartbreaking howl. I heard a slight thud ding sound coming from above me, and hushed whispers, before I began to let out cries. Please don't leave me all alone in the dark down here, please.

I heard more whispers, and then silent shuffling, and soon I felt Rick's arms wrap around my small frame, carrying me up the steep, scary steps.

I leant my head against his chest, the steady rhythm of his heart beating, calming my nerves. I soon felt Lori's small arms wrap around both me and Rick, encasing us in a warm hug.

If this is how I slept every night, I sure as hell am never leaving this bed, ever again.

Just as my heavy eyes were on the brink of closing, I heard the small patters of the tiny human of the house's feet. No longer than a minute later, Carl snuggled in the middle of the hug, gently stroking my jet black fur every now and again.

Aaand that's a wrap. Whoo that took about two hours to finish, due to me falling asleep when Finley did. Haha, funny that is.

1 2 7 8 words.

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