t w e n t y - s e v e n

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I woke up, and found myself in Carl's bed next to a sleeping Carl. I got up and stretched out my muscles and limbs setting them into place.

Satisfied, I shook out my fur and trotted downstairs to see Rick sat at the dinner table. I let out a loud yawn, a small dramatic whine mixing in.

He petted my head, as I went past, and found my dish full of dog food. It was a bit if kibble, with some raw mince meat mixed in and even a few blueberries. I was even luckier with a raw egg cracked over the top.

I saw that Max must've already been in with the pups, as their bowls were already in the side drying after being washed.

I wolfed my food down quickly, before getting a good ear rub from Rick. I sat on the floor infront of him enjoying all the fusses I was getting.

I got up after a while, and plodded upstairs to lick Carl awake, because I felt like it.

I trotted back downstairs and left the house seeing Rick had left for his new "police" job. In all honesty, I didn't think he was much of a cop anymore. I think personally he should be the leader of Alexandria.

I rolled my eyes at the thought, as I saw Rick crossing the road to meetup with Carol.

"You've heard about the party?" Carol asks as I arrive. Oh shit, what party!? I leave for one damn minute and this is what happens. Shit!

"Everyone's gonna be there." She says.

"That's right." Rick says. "I'm gonna bring Finn. See if I can socialise her so she doesn't try lash out at anyone who gets too close like yesterday. It won't look good if she keeps getting involved in fights with the civilians."

I let out a snort, and whacked Rick with my tail as I disappeared back to the house to find Max and the pups to get ready. "Are you going to this damn party?" I asked.

"No, I'm staying here with these munchkins." Max said, "But by the look on your face I vant tell you are, have fun!"

I rolled my eyes, and ran upstairs eagerly to get Carl, and Judith. I saw that he had gave her a bath, because now she was a lot cleaner, and had a pretty dress on. I looked up at Carl giving him a desperate look, actually wanting a bath, seen as though my fur was already caked with mud and dirt, considering I had been out the night before and rolled about a bit.

He carried me into the bath, where he  gave me a thorough wash again, with doggy shampoo and conditioner. I sneezed as bubbles went up my nose, from the shampoo, causing me to shake bubbles all up the walls, and Carl.

He placed me on the bath mat, and dried me as much as he could with a towel so my fur wasn't dripping, but pretty damp. He dragged a brush over it, before hopping in the shower. When he got out he got changed into jeans and a shirt with a flannel over the top.

Carl came over to me and dried me the rest of the way with the hair dryer and the towel.

Once he was satisfied, he brushed all the loose hair from my fur, for one of the first times ever, he took of my collar, by using a blade and smoothed out the fur.

"I'm sorry Finn, but there's no saving this collar, it's gone all rusty and it had to come off, so I had to cut it off because it's broken. But, we'll get a new one."

I watched as he went and asked Carol if she could watch Judith for a little while he quickly went out with me and she said yes.

I trotted after him as we went into a small pet shop. He went over to the dog collar aisle and looked around, "I know you are gonna need one with a bit of colour because you are a bit invisible so I guess this one would be perfect." He said holding up a collar.

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