chapter 9

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taking a deep breathe you prepare yourself for the future which is beyond your fingertips

While walking off the plane (y/n) looked around, seeing if any of the boys were there.... they weren't. (y/n) expected that maybe one of the female managers would be there instead but was surprised to see nobody. what a fool. of course she was forgotten, they wasn't that important to them as she expected.

while walking down the airport (y/n) went to look for a quick snack before settling into her room. Their teammates should be there soon as she booked an earlier flight to get a few practice hours in alone. Being in Japan was a whole different atmosphere then she expected, walking up to the cashier she finally realized her phone was dead so she quickly bought a charger, as hers was buried in her suitcase, and found a charging station. while it was charging someone had waned up to speak to (y/n).

"hey can i borrow that charger?" the masked man had asked the volleyball star, nodding her head she unplugged her phone seeing it was at 25%. She opened it up and messages started to flood in and she then realized that they in fact did forget about her... so much for the countless nights of talking to them. slowly bubbling with anger (y/n) typed something on their phone and turned it off.

"boy problems?" the masked man asked. "something like that" (y/n) had snapped back. Taking the hint that she did not want to talk the stranger had turned on his phone to see the text and looked up to the person he just was talking to. "are you (y/n)?"

"why? want a autograph fanboy?" with a chuckle (y/n) felt the anger inside her chest fade away. "as if, i'm your ride. did you really think they would forget you?" with the skip of her heartbeat her eyes had widen and she could've leaped with joy! she wasn't forgotten, she was remembered!

After a few minutes she and the man found themselves in the masked man's car. quickly realizing she didn't know the man's named she finally built up the courage to ask, "hey.. i know it's kinda late but could i get a name from you?" the man looked to the person in his passenger seat and pulled down his mask, "sakusa kiyomi, your personal uber driver at your service".

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