Chapter 4

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"Hello" - talking

'Annoying arse' - thinking

Fowl - writing/message/news

"Enough" - Beastspeak

"Hello" - speaking different languages

§Open§ -Parseltongue

Chapter 4:

Sirius pov:
I wake up  the next morning at my usual  time. After fully waking up I hop into the shower and do my daily morning routine. After that I get dressed and head to my brother Regulus old room where my pup sleeping. I plan to wake Harry up so that way we can eat, talk, and come up with a game plan for today. Not only that but later we need to come up with a plan on what to do for next 4 years until it's  time for him to go to Hogwarts. I  make it to Harry's room and knock on his door gently.

Sirius-*knocks*"Harry it's  time to wake up we got a busy day pup."

I hear no response so I slowly opens the door. When I open it my pup isn't  in his room the bathroom door is open so he not in there. I  was about to call Kreacher to ask if he seen Harry  when I  heard a noise down  stairs. So with my wand out think it might been Dumbledore or one his lackeys I head down stairs  planning to get rid them not wanting  any of the light dumbleass worshipers knowing about Harry. Knowing if they found out about Harry  then word will eventually get back to the Potters and Dumbledore and they will try to take my pup away from me again. I refused to loose him I already miss so much of his life I not going to miss anymore.

When I  got down the stairs I heard the voice of my godson coming from the living room. I lower my wand realizing that the noise I heard was Harry bumping into something. I  make it to the living room and see Harry sitting  on the couch talking to the enchanted portraits of my parents. It seems he was just finishing tell them about his life before he came here yesterday.

Harry-"And that what my life has been like before Uncle Padfoot found me and took me from that ophanage."

Orion (portrait)-*angry*"How dare those muggles treat my nephew in such a way they are animals no child should go though that."

Walburga (portrait)- *angry* "How dare those filthy muggles treat my nephew in such a way there lucky I not alive or I would have hex them to oblivion."

Harry-"Thank you both for carrying  but there's no need they are in prison and juvie. They won't  be getting  out any time soon"

It was that moment I made myself known. I enter the room told everyone good morning. I reseived a nice morning  welcome from my parents. Though my parents and I  weren't always on good terms after my fall out with the Potters and Dumbledore the day we all met up when they all agree to abandon my pup in favor of Hunter and Dumbledore tried to manipulating me to give Hunter the Black heirship.

That day I broke ties with them after that I patched things up with my parents or at least them as portraits. Now for the last 4 years we been on good terms having the relationship I wish we had back when they were alive. After I greeted Harry and my parents Kreacher came in informing us breakfast is ready. So Harry and I  went to dinning room sat down to eat breakfast.

3rd pov:
Harry and Sirius both finished eating their breakfast. They now are sitting on the couch in the livingroom. Harry  has the book that holds his remnant friend in it in his lap. Sirius  sighs as now he has to talk about something important that he really  wish he didn't have to but he had no choice.

Sirius-"Harry I know  we agreed to talk about the offer you  received from your friend but there are some important things we must discuss before that. First Harry what do you know about Wizarding families."

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