Chapter 112

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'Ahh, I was wondering when you amphibians would reveal yourselves.' Pang Tong stated as the large frog he was engaged in battle with, swung their sword high, blocked by one of the spectral guards armed with a large claymore. Pang Tong was standing quite a bit away from the large frog, separating between him and the amphibian was his black phoenix spectral guard that were summoned from his scroll.

'It was rather difficult to not get involved I must admit but orders are orders. I'm sure you can appreciate that, being a so-called strategist!' They exclaimed the last part as they swept their blade, hovering over the ground, being blocked by a couple of the phoenix guards' weapons and shields as to not completely cleave them.

'Yes, I suppose so. Who gave you the orders to attack now anyway? I don't think I see them anywhere.' Pang Tong questioned.

'Hey, how about you don't make small talk with the enemy and kill them!' Dodomeki yelled as he leapt over a large glaive trying to cleave through his abdomen, wielded by another frog, this one held a two handed glaive with bright green symbol on the polearm and the blade. Shining its way through the bleak darkness of the night. This frog was primarily red with black lines around their body.

'You cannot rush these things my cyclopean friend' Pang Tong chuckled.

'Yeah, focus on yourself!' The frog duelling Dodomeki advised as they attacked overhead. Dodomeki sidestepped the attack before he had to dodge and leap out of the way out of the amphibian's tongue as it lashed towards Dodomeki a couple of times. Each time creating a small crater and shattering the ground with each lash. Dodomeki leapt up and gave the frog a right handed punch across its slimy face. Dodomeki leapt past him and landed behind the large amphibian who staggered back a bit before swinging his glaive towards Dodomeki.

'Not bad, but not good enough!' he declared as he spun around on the spot. Dodomeki jumped over the blade, tucking his legs to his chest as the blade hovers below him. Destroying various buildings in the process as the roofs and bricks collapsed on itself before the glaive is raised high to slam down towards Dodomeki. He sidestepped the attack and leapt up to raise another punch, this time the frog was ready as he lashed out his tongue again towards Dodomeki in the air. He was unable to do much while he was flying towards them. All Dodomeki could do was twist his body clockwise, narrowly avoiding the blood red tongue caked with saliva. As he flew past the frog it twisted its body clockwise aswell and extended his left leg, kicking Dodomeki in the back, careening him across the stone floor for several metres. Dodomeki could right himself and used his left gauntlet to grab the floor to slow his momentum slightly and allowed him to place his feet on the ground.

Dodomeki breathed heavily as he found himself kneeling while his opponent who towered over him smirked wickedly with its open mouth, readying his glaive for another attack. His fight with Luna made him more exhausted than he otherwise would, along with the fact he was fighting with one arm didn't help matters either. He glanced towards his left to see LingQi fighting against her opponent, despite his respect for her skills and strength she was still only human. If he was this exhausted he could only imagine how fatigued LingQi is. He shook his head, now wasn't the time for such thoughts he had to focus on his enemy as he looked to see him leap up in the air and motioned his glaive downwards. Dodomeki widened his eye and narrowly avoided the plunging attack. The attack shattered the ground around it in a 10 ft cube with cracks appearing all around unevenly. The frog croaked deeply as it locked eyes with Dodomeki and went on the offensive once again.

However, though LingQi was severely struggling with her opponent. The frog thrusted his trident and lashed his tongue towards her, naturally she was able to dodge and deflect the attacks however she found herself sweating profusely. Her entire body ached with soreness as she found herself outmatched, she wasn't prepared for this type of enemy that towered over her. Luna was hard enough but this, was on another level. How could she deal with an opponent with long ranged and short ranged capabilities, as tall as Gyuki while she was exhausted? She knew she had to find a way though. The large frog slammed the trident on the ground forcing LingQi to roll out of the way. She knew there was no way she was going to win a deadlock with this creature she thought to herself. With another thrust of the of the trident she was able to deflect the attack away enough so that none of the prongs were able to hit her, instead making holes in the ground as if they were recently drilled.

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