Chapter 48

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A week later Pang Tong writes an invitation Gao Shun to his quarters for a pre-celebration drink with their upcoming victory before the battle starts. Gao shun although confused accepted immediately saying he would like to have a drink before the fighting starts in case they don't make it after the battle. It was late at night when Gao Shun knocked on the door. Pang Tong opened it up to see Gao Shun without his weapon.

'Ahh lord Gao Shun, please come in.' Pang Tong asked as he walks further into the building, Gao Shun closes the door behind him and followed him unable to conceal the sinister smirk until he reaches a large table with a go board with two sets of drinks. Pang Tong sits down on the floor with his legs crossed one one side and reaches his hand out to the other side.

'Please sit, I figure since Lady Mitsuko has grown to be more accustomed to you that we could play a game of GO if you think you can take me on after all.' Pang Tong chuckles as Gao Shun takes a seat, takes a sip of his drink and points towards him with a smug grin on his face

'You're on, but I warn you I'm smarter than I appear.'

'Oh I have no doubt about that all. Now then, lets begin shall we?' Gao shun didn't initially get it but something about the way that he asked that question made him shiver. Initially the game was going in Gao Shun's way. Pang Tong fell for his simple tricks on the board capturing some of his pieces in the process. Everytime Pang Tong hesitated to put down a piece, Gao Shun's grin grew wider. He never knew taking down this measly hermit would be this easy. Wasn't he supposed to be a strategist? As the game transitioned into the mid game Pang Tong seemed to panic as he seemed to put pieces very quickly at what seems to be random. Gao Shun couldn't believe it, he wondered why Chen Gong had so much trouble and why he was considered such a threat. He enjoyed seeing Pang Tong squirm but...something seemed strange. He saw the enemy panicking on the battlefield as they either flail their weapons wildly or drop them and flee. Pang Tong though was different but Gao Shun didn't know why. Well its not like he should care too much about that anyway. a panicked enemy is a battle won as far as he was concerned. At the late game Gao Shun's pieces held the majority of the centre as Pang Tong face palms his self and leans back and sighs with defeat.

'I cannot believe you beat a professional like me. My lord Gao Shun you are a most worthy adversary, although I have one piece left I cannot continue this bout anymore.' Pang Tong hangs his head in shame as Gao Shun and gloats in his victory.

'Haha! Goes to show you shouldn't have estimated me!' Gao shun quickly drinks the rest of his alcohol and wipes the leftover from the mouth as they drool out.

'Indeed not lord Gao Shun, you are just too superior for me. I am glad lady Mitsuko have a warrior like you at her side. Please accept one of these gifts.' He reaches behind him and brings out a large sack and opens it up. However when Gao Shun went to peek inside Pang Tong quickly closes the sack.

'Oh no you can't have a look what's inside here, that beats the element of surprise.' Pang Tong chuckled nefariously though Gao Shun didn't realise and agreed to close his eyes. Satisfied Pang Tong opens the bag again and Gao Shun this time reaches inside hoping to find that these gifts are worthwhile. He couldn't help but grin widely imagining him planting his dagger hidden in his garments after receiving one of the gifts and take the whole lot. Though he notices that the bag is larger than he thought. As he wildly explored the bag his fingertips felt something...smooth. He followed what seemed to be a trail on some kind...rope perhaps? This is the smoothest rope he ever felt. As he reached further in though and grabbed it with his hand he felt a pair of fangs suddenly pierced the back of his hand and some form of liquid starts to drip. One liquid trail at the back of the knuckle and the other about 5 centimetres away. The pain caused him to snatch his hand out of the bag and yell in pain as he falls backwards. He notices the trails of liquid were his own blood...but how? Suddenly Pang Tong opens the bag again and from that bag arose the head of a cobra covered in black scales. The face and the neck were bright yellow. The snake hissed from its broad, slightly triangular head with its fangs fully erected instead of being withdrawn like other snakes. Gao Shun's eyes widen in shock as it feels the gaze from its dark, golden eyes. Pang Tong chuckles as Gao Shun's astonished and dumbfounded face.

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