Chapter 15: Your Stereotypical Angst-Filled High School Dance

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Parker picked at the collar of his flannel — it was getting really stuffy on the dance floor, especially for someone dressed as the Big Bad Wolf.

Not one of his best moments.

He'd never really thought that Hawthorne High was that big or had that many students — in fact, it was pretty small as far as schools go — but as he half-heartedly jived across the atrium space that had been converted into a dance floor, he felt completely surrounded by masses of people he didn't want to talk to.

And Annabelle.

She looked stunning, of course. And she had been very patient with his inexperienced driving. And, by some miracle, she was even still dancing with him.

It should've been amazing — Parker thought tonight would be perfect — but something wasn't right.

It was probably just all the vampire business finally getting to him.



Wesley had left to scope out which teachers had actually shown up to chaperone, leaving Christina to investigate the buffet table. She wouldn't have the punch, that was a given, but the cookies were probably fine...

She took one to "test".

She'd been ogling and fawning over how beautiful the mansion's interior was since she walked into the grand foyer and saw the polished wooden staircases, high ceilings, ornate candelabras, marble floor... let's just say, she hadn't yet stopped. Hailey was getting tired of hearing about how beautiful everything was, but Chrissy knew Hailey was just in a mood. She kept her arms crossed over her chest and continued to scan the crowd over and over, looking for someone.

Christina would bet her fluffy socks she was looking for Parker.

Ugh. She rolled her eyes just thinking about that oblivious boy. When she saw him... oh, boy, did she have some things to say.

Christina was pulled out of her thoughts by a light tap on the shoulder.

"Hey Christina," Annabelle smiled. "I was wondering if you had a minute to catch up?"

Annabelle kept her pleasant expression while all Christina could get her face to do was try to mask her rising panic. And she wasn't even doing that very well. Looking around, there didn't seem to be many good excuses walking around that she could use to get out of the conversation...

She seems fairly friendly.

She always seems friendly! That's how she lures you in.

Maybe Hailey's right and she's not so bad after all?

Or maybe I've been right all along and she's no good to anyone for anything

Maybe Allianne's right and it's time you look at things from her perspective.

"S-sure," Christina snagged two chocolate chip cookies from the table before following Annabelle to a quieter corner.

"Parker, you should ask Hailey to dance!" Annabelle called to her date who was standing an awkward three paces away, just staring at Hailey.

After Christina and Annabelle had left, Parker cleared his throat. Not that he needed to get Hailey's attention; she was so pointedly ignoring his presence that he knew she would have to hear anything he said. To then ignore, that is.

"Well, Hailey, would you like to dance?"

"Don't you have a date?"

"I don't think she'd mind, considering it was her idea."

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