ten ; flower shop

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"I just texted her the place and the time," Namjoon stated, shutting off his phone and putting it in his pocket.

Jungkook sat on the couch with his phone in his hand, looking at different kinds of flowers. He was unsure of what to get for Misun, especially since she had been so indecisive when he asked a few days ago. It also didn't help that he had never gotten flowers for a girl before, so he really had no idea what he was doing.

"Hyung," Jungkook said, not taking his eyes off of his phone.

Namjoon perked up from his spot on the couch. "Hm?"

"What kinds of flowers should I get for Sunny?" Jungkook showed Namjoon his screen with a small frown on his lips.

Namjoon's eyebrows furrowed as he looked. "Why don't you ask her?"

Jungkook sighed and moved away from Namjoon, scrolling as he did so. "I did, but she was really indecisive. She said all different kinds so I just told her that I'd surprise her."

"You should get her roses. Every girl loves roses," Jimin piped in on the other side of Jungkook. The three were resting in the living room after a long day of working on choreography for their new songs and their upcoming performances.

Jungkook shrugged. He didn't want to get Misun flowers every girl loved because she wasn't like every other girl. He wanted to get flowers that would surprise her and make her feel special.

"She seems like the kind of girl that likes softer tones," Namjoon stated as he looked over Jungkook's shoulder at his phone.

"I think Misun will like anything you get her, Kook," Jimin said comfortingly from beside Jungkook.

"Ah!," Jungkook suddenly exclaimed in excitement, making the other two jump. He completely ignored Jimin's comment and quickly typed something into his phone with a thoughtful expression on his face. A few moments later, he abruptly stood up and made his way to his room, leaving Jimin and Namjoon behind. He quickly threw on a hat and a mask, checked to see if his outfit looked decent, and then made his way to the front door.

As Jungkook walked by the living room, Jimin called out to him. "Hey! Why are you in such a hurry? Where are you going?"

"I'm going to get Sunny her flowers!" Jungkook replied from the front door. "I'll be back soon." Jungkook quickly opened the door and walked out, fixing his mask as he did so, and shut the door behind him. It was very late in the evening, which meant that shops were going to close soon if he didn't hurry.

He bounded down the steps and got into his car, driving into the city of Seoul.


Twenty minutes later, Jungkook was parked in front of a flower shop. It was small and dainty with an array of flowers sitting on shelves or hanging by hooks on the outside. The exterior was a blush pink with a small sign hanging over the doorway that read "Flowers of Seoul". It was cute, but Jungkook felt a little out of place, especially since he was wearing all black.

Let's make this a quick trip.

With a deep breath, he quickly fixed his hat and his mask, and walked into the small shop.

Once he entered, an old lady behind a counter greeted him with a kind smile. Glancing around at all of the different flowers made Jungkook feel a little overwhelmed but he knew that Misun was going to like the bouquet he had in mind for her. He politely asked the lady if he could customize a bouquet, to which she enthusiastically agreed and bustled around the small shop to find the materials she needed.

As Jungkook waited, he couldn't stop thinking about Misun. He was confused at his own actions. Why was he going out of his way to make her a bouquet of flowers? Why couldn't he get her out of his head lately? He's never even heard her voice or seen her face, but he was already willing to make her a personalized bouquet.

What is this girl doing to me?

"I apologize for the wait. Now, how would you like your bouquet?"

Jungkook smiled bashfully at the lady and told her the flowers he wanted and how he wanted it to look. She quickly found all the flowers he needed and put it together into a bouquet. Jungkook was surprised at how well it had turned out and thanked the lady as she handed it to him.

As she rung up the price, the old woman smiled knowingly up at him. "Is it for your girlfriend?"

Jungkook shook his head and smiled shyly. "No, it's for a friend."

"They are a very lucky friend then," The old woman said, smiling. She handed him the receipt a few moments later, wishing him good luck as he thanked her one last time. He quickly walked out of the small shop and into his car, carefully placing the bouquet in the passenger seat.

He gazed at the beautiful bouquet, a small blush tainting his cheeks as he imagined giving it to Misun the next day.

I really hope she likes it...

Suddenly remembering that he was an idol and that he probably shouldn't be out in public for very long, he hurriedly put the car in drive and began to drive back to the apartment.

Misun was on his mind the entire way home.

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