fourteen ; personal nurses

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How did things come to this?

Coughs rack Misun's body as she lays in her bed, a sheen of sweat coating her skin. She hadn't been feeling well ever since she got off of work a few hours before. Now, it was around ten and she felt even more miserable.

As Misun continued to suffer in her bed, she suddenly remembered that she had a study session with Namjoon the next day. She groans, reaching for her phone that sat on her desk.

I need to let him know before I forget, She thinks as she opens his contact.

Monday, 9:53 p.m.

hey joonie
i won't be able to study
with you tomorrow
i'm really sorry :(

ah that's okay! we can
just reschedule it for another day
is everything okay?

i'm just feeling a little
under the weather
it's no biggie

i'll come over with some soup
and medicine

no really i'm okay
i can take care of myself

what's your address

i said i'm fine

when girls say they're fine,
they don't actually mean it
i'm coming over whether you
like it or not

but it's late

i don't care
send me your address

my apartment is messy

i'll clean it for you

pls don't
you'll probably break something

wow :(
that's low even for you sunny

sorry hehe

now tell me your address or i'll have the company track you down


Misun's eyes widen at the threat and quickly types in her address, hitting send a second later.

Can they actually do that?

She sighs tiredly and places her phone back onto her desk, her body beginning to shiver despite the sweat coating her skin. She slowly sits up and grabs her covers that she had shoved off earlier, laying back down and pulling them up to her chin. She regretted it as soon as she did it because her face began to heat up more.

Covering her face in frustration, she kicks the covers off and begins to cry. She was exhausted from working and stressed because she was going to be behind on her assignments.

I just had to go and get sick!

Twenty minutes of tossing and turning goes by before Misun hears a soft knock on the door. She slowly sits up and stumbles out of her bedroom before finally reaching the door. She felt light-headed and out of breath just by the small action.

When did I suddenly become so sick?

She pulls open the door and peeks out to see Namjoon and...six other guys?

"Hey, Sunny. How are you feeling?" Namjoon asks. "Also, I hope you don't mind but the rest of the guys were worried, so I brought them along."

"I...," She trails off as she becomes even more dizzy. She takes a step back as she tries to regain her balance, leaning against the wall. "I-I don't feel very good."

The door swings open and a strong pair of arms wrap around her body. She leans into his embrace as she hears a voice above her head. "Shit, she's burning up. Jimin, get a cold rag while I get her into bed. Jungkook, can you get a cold bath started? I don't think she'll be able to stand in the shower..."

Namjoon continues to list out orders to the rest of the boys as he picks her up bridal style. He quickly carries her to her bedroom and carefully lays her onto the bed. Hobi, who had followed, handed Namjoon a bottle of water and some medicine.

As Hobi helps Misun sit up, Namjoon looks at her with concern and fear, "Sunny, I thought you said you were okay? What would have happened if we weren't here to help you?"

She quickly thanks Hobi but avoids eye contact with Namjoon. She felt guilty for downplaying her sickness and making them worry even more.

"Please, just be honest with me next time, okay?" Namjoon says softly, handing her a couple of pills and a bottle of water.

"Okay," She murmurs guiltily. As she downs the medicine with some water and hands it back to Namjoon, she notices something on their backs. "Why do you two have backpacks?"

"Well, since it's so late and we didn't know how serious your condition was...we brought clothes just in case we would need to stay over," Hobi explains, rubbing his neck shyly.

Misun blinks in surprise. "O-oh, um, I'm sorry about my apartment. I've been too busy to clean-"

"Tae is cleaning it," Namjoon says reassuringly, "And Yoongi and Jin are making soup."

Misun smiles with pure happiness, tears welling up and threatening to fall. She was touched that they would go to such lengths just to make her feel better. If her parents were here, they would've told her to suck it up and go to school regardless of how sick she felt. In that moment, she finally realized how much they truly cared about her. They were willing to do anything to make sure that she was happy and taken care of.

Jimin further proved her point when he came up with a wet rag and placed it onto her forehead with the utmost care, brushing away her bangs and baby hairs.

How did she get so lucky to become friends with good people like them? Did she even deserve to be friends with them? Did she deserve to be this happy?

After being given the medicine and having the rag placed onto her head, the boys instructed her to lay down. She did what she was told and as she lay there with them by her side, she began to feel tired.

With a big yawn and half-lidded eyes, Misun turned her head to the people that made her the happiest and murmured, "Thank you for coming all this way to take care of me."

The boys smiled fondly as Namjoon replied, "Anything for you, Sunny."

And then Misun drifted into a deep sleep.


i think i rewrote this like seven times.

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