Chap 2- Friends.

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I sat on a chair, beside a woman, she had brown hair, the woman was dressing as a nurse, so I assumed she was a doctor, she was anxious, I could see her hands shaking in fear, poor woman.
On my other side, there was two men wearing a hood, the man wearing a green hood seemed mad, I could assume he had a dark nature, so I won't talk to him. The other man was... Peculiar. He had a blue hood, an owl on his shoulder and a blue bandana in his eyes with some symbols. I asked myself, "How can he see with that thing in his eyes?"

"Good luck, everyone!" The man with the blind fold said. "Let's all escape together, no one gets left behind."

So that man, now I can assume, he's a good person, I wonder what is his name.
- / / -
As I opened my eyes, I saw that I was in a church, an abandoned church, the place was... dark and I could hear voices.
I walked to a cipher and I started decoding, until, a owl flew over my head, which made me miss the calibration, making a small explosion. Oh yes, this owl, the same owl the "weird" guy had in his shoulder, did he send it to disturb me? I thought he was a good guy.

I started decoding again, it didn't took too long t'ill my cipher popped, I decided to move places to decode again, I was going to walk until I heard a loud scream, a womans scream, it must've be from the doctor. I went inside the abandoned church, I saw the doctor and a "monster", the monster had tentacles all over the body, a dirty suit, and on his face... It didn't have a face, it had a lot of eyes on its face, so it must be the hunter.

"H-Help!" The doctor screamed.

I quickly grabbed my magnet and threw it on the hunter, I pushed the hunter into a wall, making him dizzy.

"Come on, I'm going to carry you!" I said.

"T-Thank you, mister!" The doctor said.

I carried her, all the way in the map, she was covered in blood, her white dress was now red. I lost the hunter and I put her in the ground, I realized she lost her consciousness, she fainted in my arms, I started picking up things from her medical box, starting to wrap the band around her leg and her arm, until I heard a murmur, she was waking up from her fainting.

"H-Hey... I can do it my own now, you can help the others, there's just one cipher left." She said.

"Okay, i'll leave it to you then." I stood up.

"I think Eli is in danger, since Hastur always spared him, I'm afraid this will change." The Doctor said while she got a syringe out of her pocket.

"Do you know where he is?" I asked her.

"The last time I saw him was on the cemetery, before Hastur found me, he's probably there." She said while fitting the top of the syringe in the arm.

"But who is Eli?" as I said, I got magnet and helped her getting up.

"He's the man wearing a hood, a blue fold on his eyes, and he has an owl." She tidied her gloves after saying that.

Oh. So his name is Eli. The man that send the owl to distract me, huh? He'll pay for that. After I save him, i'll make him pay. Sure I will. I left the doctor alone and I ran to the cemetery, my heart started beating fast, so the doctor was right, Eli was in danger.

I looked over the cipher and Eli was there, on the monster's hands. Hastur was almost eating his face, poor guy. I threw a magnet at the hunter and stunned him on the wall, making him drop Eli on the ground, something was strange, his owl wasnt with him, but I stopped thinking about that. I grabbed Eli on my arms and starting running away, we got near a gate on the "peaceful" side of the map. I put Eli on the ground and started healing him, he didn't say anything to me, I poked Eli, and no response, I did again and no response. I say the blue fold on his eyes, would be good if I take it off? Well, since he doesnt answer, i'll take it off, that's for distracting me you weirdo.

I took off the blue strip in his eyes, he looked like... An angel, a true angel. He was so handsome, I couldn't stand that, he was my enemy just now, but why is my enemy so attractive? This should've be a crime. I was just enjoying his beauty, until I heard some footsteps, it was from that scary guy, he was covered in blood.

"Hey, dickhead, get away from Eli." He went towards me.

I was just silent, I wasn't thinking about answering him, this man was just... different from Eli, how are they friends or something like that? I just hope they're not lovers.

"Why are you silent like that? Come on, go to the other gate and wait there, Emily will pop the last cipher." He got Eli on his arms.

"I'm not leaving Eli with you" As I said, I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Dude, what the fuck are you trying to say? You don't even know Eli, get the hell out of here before I kill you." He said.

I had no choice, I went to the other gate, but in the end, it was a trap. Hastur was already waiting for me on the gate, I heard a loud siren and saw the electrical stitch releasing some sparkles, so I assumed the gates are now open.

"Don't try acting like the hero, Norton Campbell." Hastur said.

"The hero? You serious? I'm saving them because I want. No reason actually." I said it out oudly.

"Oh, so why didn't you save them?" He said.

"T-Them, who?" I said, clearing my throat.

"Your job. Mine. Friends. Accident." Hastur started going towards him.

I was in complete shock, how did he fucking know that? Was he there? Was he the reason? I couldn't move myself, I was paralyzed. Hastur went behind me and put a hand on my shoulder.

"How do you know that, bastard?" I turned my head to the side.

"You know Norton, us, hunters, we're not dumb as you are. Do you even know who are your teammates? Oh, of course not! But you knew them. So why didn't you help them?" He started holding my shoulder tightly.

I slapped his hand out of my shoulder and started running away to the other gate. Some tentacles started appearing on my way, it was hard to dodge them, but after some time, I finally saw the gate. The Doctor, Eli and that man were there waiting for me.

" There he is! Come on you can make it!" The Doctor screamed.

I was losing my breath, until I looked back, Hastur was on my back, only walking. The only thing I saw was his "tentacle arms" going towards me, until some kind of light and a bird appeared on my back. It suffered the hit to protect me? But to think, that bird... Was an Owl, yes, the same owl Eli has, so he protected me, Eli protected me, I knew he was a good person.

I got in the gate, the first thing I saw was... a gentle smile from him, Eli himself, smiling at me, I don't receive such a honest smile it's been a long time, a smile that makes your heart warm, a smile that... keeps you away from the dark.

"Mr. Campbell, thank you! You did a good job, and thanks for saving me!" He itched his head.

"Come on Eli, let's go." Naib held his hand.

"W-Wait, Naib!" As Eli said, Naib ran away with him on the gate.

I sighed and looked at the doctor, she was really... inspired with my presence.

"You are truly amazing, Mr. Campbell!" she said.

"Hah, thank you... Miss." I said.

"You can call me Emily! I am Emily Dyer." she reached out her hand for a handshake.

"Okay, Miss Dyer. I am Norton Campbell." I shook her hand.

"We know that, silly!" she giggled.

"You guys know about me?" I asked her.

"Yes! We just know your name, nothing about your past, so don't worry! They announce a new teammate some days before they come to the manor." Emily said.

"Oh, okay then." I smiled awkwardly at her.

"You guys, I can hear y'all from here, can't you just get out? I can kill both of you in any moment." Hastur said.

Me and Emily laughed at Hastur, he seemed really serious about what he said, so we left.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2022 ⏰

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