How You Met

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Han Solo
You and Lando were betting again, over who won the game.
"Big thing you're betting for, Y/n. Maybe go for something a little less important to you, since you're not gonna win."
"Real cocky, Lando."
"I'm just saying."
You stared him down. You stared at him for a few more minutes before placing your cards down.
"You almost got the win, Y/n. But, I win again." He went to put his cards down trying to get his "special" card out.
"What? Cat stuck on your tongue?"
"Place your cards down then." You smirked knowing you already won.
He was placing his cards down when you noticed a man in the crowd staring at you, grinning.
Lando placed his cards down.
"I win."
"You only got lucky!"
"Sure I did, Lan."
He huffed and looked down.
You looked back at the man that was staring at you earlier, but he wasn't there.
"Weird.." you muttered under your breath.

Anakin Skywalker
You were walking around Watto's shop looking for parts for your ship. You were looking for parts that could be used for it, when you saw a boy around your age come up to you.
"What ya looking for?"
"Just looking for some parts, who's asking?"
"Sorry I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Anakin."
"I'm Anidel, but you could call me Y/n."
"Nice to meet you, Y/n."
"Ani! Get back to fixing those droids!"
He looked back at Watto, before replying with an alright, as he left.
He came back a few seconds later.
"See you later!"
He left again, going to probably fix those droids Watto was talking about.
You walked out getting the parts you needed heading to your sister, Padmé.
"Did you get the parts you needed, Y/n?"
"Oh, yes, yes I did! I found the perfect parts I needed, then when we get back, I can get my ship to finally work!"
"Well that's great!"
You smiled as you walked off into the ship, setting your things down on a table.
You went back outside, heading to Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan.
"How are you liking this place, Y/n?"
"I met this boy at the shop! He said his name was Anakin! You should go meet him, Qui-Gon!"
"Ok Y/n! Lead the way!"
You smiled as you took his hand and ran off to Watto's shop

Luke Skywalker
You were with the Ewoks, trying to make them a fire.
Until you heard blasters go off, you immediately looked up.
Some off the Ewoks around you started to panic seeing you get up.
You made your way outside to see some people flying around on cruisers. You made your way back inside to see another girl in there. You went up to her.
"Hello, may I ask what your name is? If you don't mind me asking."
"Gosh you're really nice, my names Leia."
"Well, nice to meet you Leia, my names Y/n!"
"Nice to meet you Y/n!"
You looked back at the Ewoks, walking over to where you tried to put a fire.
You tried doing it again, but it didn't work.
"Do you need some help?" Leia asked you as she walked over to you.
"That would be nice, but you don't have to if you don't want to."
"No, it's perfectly fine!"
You stood up, letting her make a fire.
You waited for a few minutes looking at her make a fire.
She made a few sparks, then a fire was made a few seconds later.
"Oh my, you actually made a fire! Thank you so much!"
"No, there's no need to thank me!"
"Are you kidding? You just made a fire, when I've been trying for weeks to make one!"
She looked at you, then at the entrance.
She raised her eyebrows as she looked shocked.
You followed her gaze, finding 2 men and a Wookiee. Also two droids. You walked over to the droids, guiding them to chairs.
"Oh my, all this for me?"
"You are a guest!"
You looked behind you to see Leia.
You looked back at the droid, "Your name is C-3PO?"
"Oh, well yes."
"Well then, welcome C-3PO! And what's your friends name?"
You looked over at the other droid that was at C-3PO's side.
The little droid whistled, speaking in its language.
"Well hello R2-D2!"
"You know how to speak droid?" C-3PO asked you.
"Well of course I do! Who wouldn't?"
C-3PO started to lift into the air, along with the chair he was sitting on.
"Oh my! R2, help me!"
You looked up at him panicked.
You looked behind you at the 2 men, one seemed to be doing that. The other just looked annoyed. You went over to the men.
"Are you making C-3PO lift into the air?"
He opened his eyes, C-3PO falling in process.
You looked behind you at C-3PO.
You gasped.
"Oh my! C-3PO! Are you ok?" You said as you rushed to his side.
"I'm alright."
You picked him up, setting him down next to R2-D2.
You got up and went to the young boy around your age.
"I hope you feel happy for hurting C-3PO!" You said, partially yelling.
"Oh he's fine, he's a droid."
Said the man that looked older.
You turned back around, heading to the hurt droid.
The Ewoks starting to let the two men go.
When they were free they walked over to you, well the boy around your age did. The other went over to Leia.
He crouched down beside you.
"I'm Luke."
You huffed, looking away, more towards C-3PO.
"I'm sorry I hurt him."
"Don't say sorry to me! You didn't hurt me, you hurt him! Apologize to him."
He looked at C-3PO, "I'm sorry, C-3PO."
"It's alright, master Luke."
He looked at you.
"It's ok."
He smiled and got up.
"I'm Y/n, by the way."
He looked back at you.
You looked at him.
You both blushed and looked away.
He walked off, somewhere.

Leia Organa
You walked out of your hut, into the forest. You were walking when you found a girl laying in the grass.
You slowly walked up to her, not letting your guard down.
"Hello?" You said softly, trying not to startle the sleeping woman.
You crouched down beside her, checking her pulse.
Her eyes shot open, which had startled you.
She got up, looked at you then behind you.
You looked behind yourself, to see an Ewok.
You looked back at her, the Ewok beside you.
"Hello? What's your name?" You asked her.
"Leia, who are you?"
You sat on the log. Motioning for her to sit with you.
She sat next to you, the Ewok on her other side.
As she was letting the Ewok have her helmet, you noticed two men in suits.
They noticed you, and started blasting you with their blasters.
The Ewok got scared and went under the log, you went with him.
Leia started blasting the two men with her blaster, the men also moving forward.
They were blasting each other when one of the men attacked Leia. The Ewok attacked the man.
When they were gone you guys got up.
"Come on!"
Leia looked at you, then the Ewok.
She started to follow you and the Ewok to the rest of the Ewoks.

Padmé Amidala
You and your brother, Anakin, were in Watto's shop. You both were slaves. But at least you had each other.
You were a few years older than Anakin, so if he were 12 you would be 16.
You guys were working around the shop, Ani fixing droids, you putting stuff on the shelves.
He went to the counter and sat on it.
You were just about to put the last thing on the shelf when a group came in, 2 men, and 1 girl.
You looked at the girl for a few minutes, before snapping out of your trance.
You were done with putting the part on the shelf, walking over to Anakin.
You looked over at the group.
"How may I help you?"
The woman looked at you.
"We're just looking around."
She gave you soft smile.
You gave a smile back to her.
You walked to the back.
You came out with a few more parts.
The woman looked at you again before asking, "What's your name?"
You walked over to the shelf putting the parts up before replying, "Y/n."
"That's a beautiful name."
You looked at her.
"What's yours?"
"I like your name, Padmé."
She smiled at you.
She walked over to the men, before walking out.
You watched as she walked out.
"You like her, don't you?"
You looked over to see Anakin.
You looked back at the door before replying with a yeah.

Obi-Wan Kenobi
You were training the younglings when master Yoda and another man walked in.
You looked over, and motioned for the younglings to keep training.
You walked over to Yoda and the mystery man.
"Hello, master Yoda."
"Good the younglings are."
"I must say, you do some good training."
You looked over at the man.
"I'm Y/n, you are?"
"I'm Obi-Wan."
Master Yoda looked over at the younglings and walked over to them.
"Good you are."
Some giggled, others smiled.
You looked back over to Obi-Wan.
"Are you here to find a padawon?"
"Oh no, I already have one."
"Well, then why are you here?"
"Just to watch you train them."
"Oh ok."
You looked back over to Yoda and the younglings.
You walked over to them.
"Leaving we must."
Yoda started walking over to Obi-Wan, heading for the door.
"Leave must we"
You looked over at Obi-Wan.
You smiled softly.
He looked at you.
He smiled and left with Yoda.

Kylo Ren/Ben Solo
You were in your makeshift home in Jakku.
Hanging out with Rey of course.
"I hate Unkar."
"I know, like c'mon the least you could do is give us a full portion."
Rey looked out the door.
"I better get going, it's getting dark."
She got up heading toward the door looking back at you.
"Bye Rey"
"Bye Y/n"
She walked out closing the door behind her.
You got under the thin covers trying to make your body not as cold as it was, but also feeling cool by the weather, as it's always hot in the day.
You were about 2 hours into your sleep when banging was heard on your door.
You looked up groggily getting up and heading to the door.
You opened it to see two stormtroopers.
They let themselves in, not having a care in the galaxy that you're there.
You looked at them.
"What's going on? Who are you guys?"
They turned around to look at you...then looking behind you.
You turned around to be met with a black helmet.
"You two may leave."
The deep voice, assuming it was from the helmet dude.
The stormtroopers left your home.
You looked back at helmet dude.
"Who are you?"
He kept staring at you.
You could sense that smirk on his face.
He slowly moved his hands up, taking his helmet off.
You looked at him as he looked at you.
Your eyes locked.
His soft brown eyes looking into your even softer e/c eyes.
"Kylo Ren."
He kept looking at you.
"what's yours?"
You seemed hesitant before answering,
He looked over at the door before looking back at you.
You looked at him before continuing,
"Why are you here?"
He looked at you, brown eyes roaming over your body.
"To take you away from here."
Then black.

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