Chapter 9: The provisional licensing exam(1)

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Author's note:

In my defense 

I'm having a major exam in June


"He called Nezu!?" She does know that U.A's principle has some kind of beef with the Hero commission. But letting his newly acquired mysterious weird and albeit creepy children stir chaos as they please during a very important exam just because is... She doesn't know him well- a very Nezu thing to do. Honestly.

"Yeah, the principle picked up fast by the way." Gopal comments, he figures it'd take at least take a few seconds but it was as if the creature is stationed to immediately answer his phone calls. Cyclone was quick to snatch the phone from Thunderstorm and lay out the bare minimum of his intentions, despite his counterpart's clear distaste at these actions.

"And he agreed!" Ms. Joke exclaims, beginning to giggle at the fact. This kid just asked the principle if he can break into a highly secured facility for fun. And the authority figure complied. "What else are you planning? Joining the test yourselves?" she jokingly remarks, this kid's a riot!

"U.A is on a roll! Five students in three minutes! Great job guys! Wait- Solar, how many slots are left again?" Cyclone forgot the number, and to turn the microphone off if he isn't making an announcement. His energetic voice booms throughout the stadium. "Twenty? We'll have to push it then!"

Hearing how there are very few slots left the examinees panic, stumbling for targets, a cruel revelation dawns on them, if they want to pass. They can't just rely on the U.A crushing. Collaborate teams turn on eachother as the final massacre commence.


"And that's what we call team effort! Let's give it up to our sparkling friend Yuga Aoyama!" Thorn announce loud and proudly, as if rubbing it in all the seniors' faces that they got owned by freshmen. "It's a pity that most of you will now be stuck to spectator seats." And there's the sugar-coated mockery, the sugar is the tone that sentence was presented in.

Throughout the last few minutes, the seniors who haven't failed yet competed for the final slots. Their fights dragged long as none wanted to quit, so they got accustomed to sorting out which voice is speaking.

The cheerful one focuses on neutral ground, giving them random suggestions out of the blue thus prolonging the battles. The energetic one compliments their moves with exclamations of how their spirits are on fire. The last one... Judged them, and mocked their performance, it only got more natural as time goes on.

"Thanks to our principle who permitted us to do this on the condition that we deliver this message." Solar's tone droned, there are noises of paper rustling. "He said, and I quote: 'in your face you hypocritical shady bastards. – Love, U.A principle Nezu.' Now that's out of the way, I will explain the second phase after the others make it up to the bleachers."


"Hey!" Seiji struts toward the group angrily, having some less than pleasant things to say to U.A's chaperoning adult. The ones who broke into the system is no doubt an accomplice with U.A, he had his doubts but the most recent announcement told him everything. Wait... Why are there two of those? A duplication quirk?

"Loud..." Ice mumbled drowsily, laying across two of the spectator seats. Completely uncaring of who's talking, it was about time he wake, he got his twenty hours and now he's hungry. Slowly, he hoists himself up with exaggerated effort. "Gopal, are there pandan cakes...?"

"Here you go buddy." Gopal reaches in the backpack and throws the wrap to his best friend, which the other caught without turning. "What's your deal dude?" he points accusingly, does this guy have anger issues too?

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