Chapter Four

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What was that noise? It could be a pneumatic drill for all my delicate eardrums knew. Yes, delicate was definitely the right word for the morning after the night before. One eye dared to open. Squinting at the sunlight, I grabbed the covers and threw them over my head. At least I'd made it to my bed in one piece. No run-in's with the local scooter riding serial killers then.

'Amber, will yous get out of bed. It's nearly midday!'

The noise is Kelsey's hairdryer, and screeching voice. I just never understood why her preening sessions had to last two hours plus. Dryer her hair was futile. We were all meeting at the pool at lunchtime to compare notes on our first messy night. The second we got down there I was only going to push her in.

'So, bitches; who didn't go home alone?' Hailey announced at the pool side late.

Oh, joy. The dreaded league table.

'Come on Hannah, it's only the first day,' I moaned.

'Second day Amber, and it's Hailey. Before you know it we'll be back home dreaming we were sitting around the pool surrounded by hot guys. It's not a dream, it's happening right now so I'm gonna make the most of it; how about the rest of you girls?'

Hailey's battle cry was met by a loud whoop from our crowd as I sat sulking with my arms crossed. Why did I feel like I was spoiling all the fun? I wasn't sure a holiday, never mind a holiday like this was what I'd really needed. I longed to be cool, sophisticated; to fully prepare myself for the university lifestyle.

I'd ended up with the holiday equivalent of car crash TV.

'I think it's time for a bit of truth or dare,' Hailey announced. 'Amber; you can go first. I want the truth about you and Darren Henshaw, otherwise you have to jump in the pool and kiss the first guy you see.'

The truth about Darren wasn't even a little bit exciting, and that was the point. Nothing had happened. At all. Not that it's anyone else's business.

'What are we, thirteen?'

'According to Scott Turner and the rest of the lads from The Dragon, you and Darren never did it.' Hailey sing-songed.

'That's not true.' 

'Truth or dare, Amber.'

'Fine. If that's how you want to play it.'

I looked towards the pool. I thought I'd spied a cute guy swimming towards me, though didn't have my contacts in. I jumped from the plastic patio chair and launched myself into the water, achieving the kind of diving bomb/belly flop action only a true exercise-phobe can perfect. Coming up for air and searching for the guy, I managed to plant a smacker on a forty-year old balding man while his wife trod water beside him.

'Way to go Amber!' I heard Kelsey scream above a sea of cackles.

I got out of there, and fast.

I spent he next few hours pretending I was asleep behind my sunglasses on the lounger. The hangover evaporated in the heat but my embarrassment hadn't. I didn't like being the butt of people's jokes at the best of times, and especially Hailey's. Slowly but surely, I was beginning to tell the twins apart.

'Hey Amber, they're having a booze cruise later in the week. It's well cheap and is all you can drink. You go out on the sea and it's non-stop music; this guy I met at the bar says there's even a cave you go in like an indoor club,' Emma said, taking the seat on the lounger beside me.

This was why I'd come, to drink and party and create memories for long days of studying ahead. And all I could manage was pretending I was asleep.

'Was it true? What Hailey said?' Emma asked.

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