Stalked and hunted - part 1

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*Disclaimer* this story is a bit darker than I intended it to be (part 2 will probably be just as bad).

It was early on a Tuesday evening, there was an autumnal chill in the air and darkness was decending over the park already.

John stood hunched in his long trench coat leaning against a lamppost. The light in this one was broken, he knew this, that's why he'd chosen it. It also made him look inconspicuous and afforded him a good view of the west entrance to the park where commuters from the business district would enter to shortcut across to the train station.

He flicked the page of his newspaper to give the illusion that he was reading it. In reality he was watching the red head that had perched on a bench to finish her coffee probably too early for her train.

She was wearing a cream coloured coat with dark brown buttons an a grey pencil skirt underneath. Probably a flimsy white blouse under there and a plain but practical set of underwear. His cock twitched at the image of the state he intended to leave them in. Cream coat covered in mud, skirt ripped up back seam, blouse buttons everywhere and the plain underwear  shredded and covered in blood after he finishes and cuts her throat. He liked to watch the light leave their eyes as he came.

It was starting to get too dark to pretend to be reading now. He needed her to move. He folded up his newspaper and checked his watch. 6.30pm. He saw movement out of the corner of his eye, she was standing up. She straighten her skirt and dropped the coffee cup in a bin nearby then started to walk. He pushed off from the lamppost and went to deposit the newspaper in the same bin. He looked at the coffee cup, there was an arrow written on it in lipstick pointing down the path after the red head. He was perplexed, why would she point out where she was going? She hadn't spotted him. He was sure of that. She hadn't once looked at him. Maybe she was expecting someone else? He would have to work fast then. He didn't like to be rushed, but he didn't want to miss this opportunity either.

He turned up his collar and put his hands in his pockets following her from a good distance. Halfway into the park he planned to catch up and force her into the bushes, there was a clump with enough of a clearing in the middle for what he needed and it was not easy to be seen. He was getting excited just thinking about it, anticipation was half the thrill. She would claw at his hand around her throat that was stopping her screaming and slowly suffocating her while he took what he wanted. The terror on her face would be a sight to behold, his face would be the last thing she ever saw and she would remember him for eternity.

But now she was diverting from the path, she turned off on to the grass at a tree just a bit before the bushes that marked his destination. Where was she going? Frustration started to build as she ruined his plan, he didn't like to improvise, more can go wrong. But he was determined to have her. As he reached the tree she turned at, he saw in it etched another arrow. Now curiosity was getting the better of him. He should have given up, there was clearly someone else at play here. But he just couldn't help himself. He was already semi hard with lust for this woman. He gritted his teeth and continued his pursuit. Further into the dark trees she went, they were at least now far enough from the path that they were unlikely to be seen. This gave him confidence, he could work with this.

She rounded the corner of a holly bush and he slowed down, listening. It was silent. He crept up to the bush waiting to hear whoever it was she must have come here to meet. He hoped she was early enough that he could have her first. But as he edged his way round the branches careful to be as quiet as possible he was shocked to see she'd gone, but where? He looked down, her coat was in a pile on the floor, on further inspection, so was her skirt and shoes, he was pleased to see he was right about the blouse and underwear, but he didn't have time to register what the clothes on the floor meant before he heard a growl behind him.

His skin prickled with a chill as if an icey bucket had been dowsed over his head and his heart began to hammer frantically. He spun around and saw a pair of glowing yellow eyes in the darkness. Frozen to the spot transfixed by their gaze, he couldn't move. They grew closer and out of the gloom he began to see the figure more clearly, a mass of dark amber fur decended on him rising on to it's hind legs the closer it got, more human in stance than wolf. It was her, the woman he'd been stalking was a monster! Suddenly he seemed able to move again and turned to run. He got two or three strides away from her before a force hit him from behind he landed face first into the cold hard ground strewn with leaves. The impact to his head made his vision blury but just before he blacked out he heard a second wolf aproach twice the size of the redhead, this dark figure had green eyes.

When he came to, he wasn't sure how long he had been out for. Had it been minutes or hours? He didn't know but it was still dark and he was still in the woods of the park. Only he couldn't move and was naked and cold. He had been tied spread eagle between two trees the rope was tight around his limbs and his hands and feet were numb. He tried to struggle loose but that just resulted in a mirthless laugh behind him. "There's no point struggling, you'll not get out of this one." Sneered the redhead as she moved into his line of vision. She was human again but still not dressed. Her long hair loose and left slightly wild caressed the top of her ample chest, her pale skin glistening in the moonlight. She looked past him with a smile. "So what would you like to do with this spineless worm?" Growled a deep male voice from behind him. "He deserves a punishment befitting of his crimes don't you think?" A tall muscular man with black hair and deep green eyes loped forwards twiddling John's pocket knife in his fingers. "I believe he intended to end you with this, too bad it's not made of silver, he might have actually succeeded." The red head scoffed, "like I'd have let him get close enough to try." She pressed herself into the tall man and slid the knife out of his hands while kissing him. She rubbed herself against his large cock bringing it to life. "Nothing like the thrill of the chase to get the blood pumping is there?" She said slyly with a smile. The tall man grunted as his erection grew. "Not at all" said a new voice. This another male, John could hear his footsteps as he approached. "What are you doing here?" Said the tall man with an air of irritation. "I'm here for the female of course, I could smell her from miles away" said the new guy, as he undressed. He wasn't as tall as the green eyed male, but he looked strong and his dark skin was covered in scars. The redhead moved forward to assess this new comer. She ran her fingers over his scars, "so you like to battle?" He nodded and flexed his muscles. She looked impressed. The tall man was getting agitated. "She's mine, I'm the alpha in this territory."

John still strapped to the trees had been forgotten about, he could do nothing but watch this animalistic power display. He began to relax a little hoping that they'd fight eachother and come morning he'd be found and freed. But the red head must have noticed his change in heart rate because she broke off from her physical inspection of this intruder and approached him again. "Now now, don't get comfortable there, I'm not done with you, you piece of shit." Her eyes flashed gold again and he swallowed hard. She turned back to the wolves, "I've no wish to see wolf blood spilt today, so I propose a race instead of a fight. First man to bring me the heart of this scum bag can mate with me."

She turned back to John, ran his own blade up his inner thigh making him tense, then up his torso and carefully carved an X into his chest. John yelled, it stung, just deep enough to draw blood but not seriously wound him. "You have 10 minutes head start scum bag, I suggest you start running." She whispered in his ear as she cut through the ropes that bound him. John fell to the floor unable to feel his hands or feet from loss of circulation. "Get up and run you piece of shit!" She shouted. John struggled to his feet, trying desperately to push through the pins and needles. He set off, picking up pace as he regained feeling in his legs. His heart rate spiked, as after a while running wildly through the woods not sure if he was getting deeper or nearer to the city, he heard two howls ring through the trees behind him. The impending sound of his own death.

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