Services rendered

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Warning: foot fetish (just incase you don't like that)

Marie pulled up to the old house, it's grande facade looming over the courtyard like a menace. The manor was falling apart but her parents refused to sell up and downsize. Last week she was asked to babysit a rather grumpy electrician; an overweight balding man who leered at her as he worked. Today it was a plumber. Her father had had a bath and caused a flood in the kitchen below, a pipe somewhere must be loose.

She climbed the steps and opened the heavy oak front doors, making her way inside. Her mother was hurrying down the stairs fastening an earring as she came, her evening dress of soft teal silk flowing as she moved. "Hi darling, thanks for coming over, your father's with him in the kitchen. He's called Leo."

They walked to the kitchen together. Leo? Strange name for a plumber, she thought, conjuring an image of another fat bald man bent down with his arse crack hanging out, she shuddered.

"Thanks again for coming out at such short notice." She heard her father say behind the door. "We really appreciate it, we'd stay ourselves but we've had this trip to the opera booked for months, it was very hard to get tickets".

"No problem sir, I'll get to the bottom of it and fix the issue in no time." His voice was light, melodic almost, that surely wasn't the voice of a plumber. She opened the door, her mother following behind her.

"Ah, here she is now, this is my daughter, Marie, anything you need just ask her, she'll be happy to oblige." Her father turned to her mother, "we best get moving or we'll be late. Marie darling, we'll be back tomorrow, we're staying with the Mason's tonight." He kissed her cheek as he shuffled past her, a quick farewell was shouted from the front door as it closed promptly behind them.

She turned to look at the plumber who was now inspecting the ceiling. He was unlike any plumber she'd ever seen before. He was tall and trim, with strong broad shoulders, accentuated by the tight, black polo shirt he was wearing. He lifted a hand to swipe his mane of dark gold hair out of his eyes, now she understood the name Leo. He had the presence of a lion. Standing there he seemed to be both graceful and powerful, a quiet self assurance devoid of arrogance.

She had been staring at him without realising he was speaking to her, she shook her head. "Sorry, what did you say?"

He smiled a slight sideways smile, looked at his feet then back up at her. "Can you take me to the upstairs bathroom please? It might be an idea to take our shoes off as well, so we don't trail water up the stairs.

"Oh right, yes of course, follow me." She went back out into the hall and took her sandals off at the foot of the stairs, quite glad she'd had chance to paint her toenails yesterday. She noticed Leo looking at her feet as she unfastened the straps. The hair on the back of her neck prickled. She led him up the stairs, aware of the short white dress she was wearing; she wondered how far up her legs he could see from his position behind her? She quivered at the thought. When she reached the bathroom she stood in the doorway holding the door open with her back pressed against it, forcing him to squeeze past her to enter the room. He smiled a sweet smile as he brushed past her. She breathed in deeply, taking in his musky masculine scent as he stepped inside the room.

He placed his toolbox on the floor and removed the panel from the front of the bath, bending down to look underneath. As he did so, she couldn't help but notice him glance once again at her bare feet. Did he like them that much? She made a decision; she waited a while as he examined the pipelines, then perched herself on the edge of the bath, placing her feet gently on the rug he was knelt on, right in his line of sight.

He pulled out from beneath the bath and saw her feet now so close to him; he cleared his throat. "Would you mind turning the tap on for me please?" She leaned across the bath, her dress creeping up as she stretched across the tub, exposing more of her thighs as she did. When she returned she could tell he'd enjoyed that but he was trying to remain professional. He thanked her, averting his eyes from her legs and went back under the bath.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2022 ⏰

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