Loving A Killer - Part 1

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It isn't easy, you know. To love a killer. . .

We were at a party. Sally, Jane, Ben and I.

'Amber,' Ben called, looking anxiously up the stairs.

'Uh... I think so!' I tugged desperately at my hair, trying my best to master my unwilling mane of frizz. My name is Amberlyn, some people call me Amber, others just Lyn. I don't know what I prefer. Definitely not me appearance, though..

Thank God we weren't late for the party. I'm so self conscious. I don't even know why I agreed to come here. Too many people, stares, glares, sometimes actual arguments. I find it hard to actually look at people. Making eye contact with me is as hard as apologising - embarrassing, awkward, just plain strange.

'Come on,' Jane wriggled her shoulders around. 'Loosen up!'

I just wish I could. . .

As we approached this old, abandoned warehouse, I could hear the blazing music blare, veering and vibrating all over the place, making me totter uncertainly.

'C'mon - Your not drunk yet, right?!' Sally joked, steadying me.

'N-no. Just feeling a little... Uneasy.'

Don't worry about it,' she replied comfortingly, 'It'll all be fine! You'll probably end up with a boyfriend...'

'I wish...' I muttered dreamily. We were nearing the warehouse. People were walking in front of us, clearly on the way to the same rave.

'Hey, s-sexy,' a dunk teenager slurred. I was astonished to find it was a girl. 'C'mere-' she grabbed hold of my waist and kissed me passionately. 'I-I'm sorry about her,' a drunk boy teased, unlatching her gently from my quivering body. 'I'ts fine,' I whispered, not daring to look at him.

We entered the warehouse - took long enough! - and I had the most uncomfortable feeling of being watched. This is worse for people that cant actually stare at other - I'll tell you that much! I scooted around the crown, shimmying my way to the bar. I wasn't gonna dance - I'd make a fool out of myself. I wasn't gonna sing - It'd be even worse! I simply sat, and ordered pint after pint of beer. The alcohol didn't affect me. I'm not a major drinker or anything - I just felt a little relaxed after I'd drank for a while.

I physically loosened my limbs - jiggling my shoulders and stretching my legs - but I tripped someone up. I jerked my leg away instantly, and looked away as casually as I could manage.

'Hey.' A voice said. It was somewhat relaxing, just like the drink. His voice made me falter, and I felt more confident in looking at someone then I ever had before.

I dared myself to glance, and then we stared at each other, transfixed.

He was the most beautiful human being I'd ever set my eyes on.

Long, black hair - burnt black. The most deep, soulful eyes, rimmed black and slightly charred. A smile was deftly sliced into his face, rising at his cheekbones and falling casually over the dip at his chin. But his skin - white. BLEACHED white. It had a leathery feel to it - I'm ashamed to say I leaned out and stroked his face. Oh, and another thing -

He looked just like me...

Loving A Killer - Part 1Where stories live. Discover now