Chapter 0

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Your way is over
Cursed blade wielder
Yet again you will pick it up
New world and chance
Become something more
Of past scars , still you bear a mark


Will is the power that breaks through many walls , key to many locks there are hidden inside
Death is another wall for many  , can you jump over with memories making you by your side?

Lets see , what is behind it
What world awaits your soul
Dive into light beautiful yet blinding
Find your new beginning after all

Hold on and begin anew
(Chapter 0)

( Year ??? day ??? , location unknown )

   Akame remembered how she died , in bed , surrounded by a few students she taught, one now wielding the cursed Teigu she once used to kill so many in the name of a better future .
    After darkness took her it was peaceful , cold , calm , yet she couldn't feel truly at peace here . She remembered Tatsumi , Bulat , Leone , Najenda… it hurt .
    She tried to hold onto these memories as light showed itself before her . Something tried to push her memories away , cleanse her being as her soul was dragged into the light . Akame didn't let go.

( Year 994 day 77/120 , location manor of Aurae family )

   She felt small , weak , and her body didn't obey her at all .
-Congratulations mister and missis Aurae… two healthy girls… - was the first thing Akame heard in this new life of hers.
   Room was large and beautiful. Stone walls of white with blue and silver prints reminding Akame of patterns created by frost on windows .
    Next she saw a man . Tall , muscular , wearing a formal suit in white and gray colours with a blue symbol of a spear made of some crystal on his shoulder .
    His gentle dark gray eyes were focused on her , long white hair was collected into a long ponytail that was falling to the level of his shoulders . Pale skin of his face had few small scars , from claws and blades as Akame could tell .
    -How will we name them dear ? - man asked . Then she saw her mother , dark pink eyes and long black hair , soft smile , tired yet joyful expression on pale beige face . Akame couldn't help but smile inwardly , such family warmth was new to her .
    -Varay and Vanessa… - her mother said - It seems like you took most influence on their hair colour….
    -Hmmm… Vanessa has a mix of our hair colours dear and her eyes are more like yours then my… - cries of a child filled the air . Akame looked at her sister .
    Varay had white hair and gray eyes , also shade lighter than father's own. Then Vanessa saw herself in a mirror . Bright pink eyes and ash gray hair , as if someone added white paint into her previous life looks .
  -Seems like Vanessa took your calmness dear… - hey mother spoke calmly.
  -Haha… maybe , you should rest Mirra…- the man spoke gently, tagging a loose strand of hair behind the woman's ear .
    -Okay Luzran… cool down the air will you ? - she asked with a chuckle . Akame saw cold fog escape her father's palm . It reminded her of one old enemy , Esdeath , yet it felt different , not threatening in the slightest .

( Year 995 day 1/120 , location manor of Aurae family )

   Vanessa couldn't help but remember torture methods of her past life.  Being unable to control her body , being small and helpless , and being near a more normal meaning loud child , was truly a form of torture she didn't know life would make her experience ever .
    At least her mother was helping her by reading to them . Stories of magic beasts , mages , other races of this world .
    Also Mirra used fire and wind magic to make little shows making fireflies shaped after flowers or animals dance in the air .

  Yet Vanessa found time to meditate as she felt something familiar.  Like one's cursed power of Teigu danced in her veins , now new energy was there.  She was assured it was mana .
   So she started trying to move it , helping it on its way towards her abdomen , also Vanessa tried taking in more from the surroundings.
   That's when she felt the difference between them . Cold and liquid like was probably water , warmer and more easily moving was likely fire , lightest was wind. 
    Knowing there was earth Akame tried feeling it , yet didn't succeed . Perhaps she needed more time .

Quinque Chordae , Side book first - Frostbite swordWhere stories live. Discover now