⋆𝑅𝑒𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑟 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑐𝑎𝑛𝑜𝑛𝑠⋆

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I'm starting my book with my favourite character ツ

Random modern AU headcanons

- he's a big softie

- follows every fitness page on Instagram

- likes color pink and wears it alot

- everything he have is extremely
big like ( car.. clothes..bed )

- he walks around house shirtless

- rich af

- he take care after Gabi like
( take her to school.. buy her gifts.. do her hair 😫💓)

- fav song : guy.exe by superfruit

- fav drink : hot chocolate

- fav sweet: brownies

- he wear glasses while reading

- Don't let this men inter the kitchen..he's going to burn the whole house 😀👍🏻

- have tiktok drafts never post one of them ( we gonna die if he die )

- every girl try to hit on him in the gym but he just ignores them cause he think they only want him for his body 😒


- brother figure for his friends

- this men looks so hot in a suit so catch ur breath ...
⌜Dating u headcanons⌟

- he's 100% loyal

- buys u anything even its expensive he just want to see u happy

- very cuddly

- he slow dance with u .. be just feel safe having u in his arms close to his heart

- he gets jealous very easily

- he can't sleep without cuddling you

- send u alot of picture of him in the gym

- Reiner gets realy upset if u showr without him

- he's the guy who open jars for u ... getting things from high shelves.. fix things

- he threw jokes every time

- he teases u alot with every thing

- u like to use ur skin care products on him like u put band on his hair and put masks on his fase and lips yeah

- let u wear his hoodie

- he's like a baby want attention

- gym partners

- has alot of picture of u

- his wallpaper:

- nicknames for u : Love

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- nicknames for u : Love..hot stuff.. teddy bears bae

- nicknames for him : teddy bear..blondie...reithick


thanks for reading this chapter
bye ツ

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