⋆𝐿𝑒𝑣𝑖 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑐𝑎𝑛𝑜𝑛⋆

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Random modern AU headcanons

- levi never sleeps on his bed..instead he sit on the couch while watching TV and BOOM he fall asleep

- if levi had a job he would be a teacher..and he likes it more when it became an online class so he can mute the students

- Levi likes tea but he try to drink it with another flavor..like honey tea or cherry tea.. etc

- knows every tea brand..know the good and the bad..and also gives feedback to the company by email

- not so friendly with social media..he think that it wastes time..so maybe he use Facebook only

- levi is on handed driver

- there's a whole room for cleaning supplies

- he's very organized

- cooking skills are 💯/💯

- the students dont understand his writings..have a bad hand writing

- the type of a person to put glasses on the edge of his nose and scroll throw his phone like a grandma 👵🏻👵🏻

- levi really trying to make himself tall..so he goes to gym

- he roll his eyes sooo dam much

- Levi adores kids and love them

- definitely drinks 3 cups of tea a day

- Levi sneeze like a kitten

- Levi i a left handed

- has an insomnia..sleep abou 2-3 hours

- Levi likes stargazing

[ Dating u headcanon ]

- slow dancing in middle of the night

- very very protective

- makes tea for u and him

- Levi's love language is " quality time "

- bring flowers for u

- hold pinkies

- he likes being huged

- picnic dates

- Having you around, knowing you're safe and sound is what matters to him

- sometimes he'd just stare at you and admires your beautiful features

- Levi is not really into PDA and doesn't brag about you two being togethe..maybe just holding hand is enough

- levi don't eat much or like he work and forget him self so u have to cook for him..and he find it so lovely

- Levi likes when u to take care of him..he finds it beautiful

- levi only smile and act clumsy around u

- Levi would do anything just to get a kiss on his cheeks

- Lots of head pats and forehead kisses

- his wallpaper :

- nicknames for him : love

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- nicknames for him : love..sweetie..baby

- nicknames for u : love..darling..dear

hope u enjoy ツ

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2022 ⏰

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