Night Sky

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Itadori smiled, nothing could beat the fresh, cooling sent of the night air. Hearing the cars zoom by down below. 

Gojo: Oh, hey Yuji, what are you doing out here? It's late, we have a whole day of training tomorrow.

He looked at Gojo with a slight frown.

Itadori: I was just coming out here for some peace and quiet, why are you here?

Gojo seemed quite surprised by that.

Gojo: Everyone else was asleep but you, so i came out here.

Itadori took a step forward, sighed then turned facing the door, opened the door and went inside. Gojo followed shortly behind. There was a slight awkwardness in the air.

Gojo: Well, goodnight.

Gojo said finally breaking the silence. Itadori nodded and walked to his room. Why was his heart racing? He had encountered Sensei many times before, why is he suddenly so flustered? Maybe it was because how Sensei's hair softly flew in the wind? Or was it because Sensei had such perfect lips. Perfect for kissing.

Itadori: Gah! What am I thinking?

Itadori thought to himself 'just go to bed'. But he kept thinking about it. 

The Next Day

That whole night he kept thinking about how perfect Gojo Sensei is. In the end he got no sleep.

Megumi: Morning. Woah, what happened to you? Did you get any sleep at all?

Itadori chuckled.

Itadori: I look that bad?

Nobara entered the room.

Nobara: Who looks how bad?

Right after she said that Nobara gasped.

Itadori: Guys come on, how could I look THAT bad?

Megumi: You better take a look.

Megumi pushed Itadori into the bathroom. Itadori then also gasped.

Itadori: Oh my lord! I didnt' know eyebags could be that big! How could i do that to my beautiful face??

He couldn't believe how much having no sleep could affect his face. Even worse Itadori had Gojo all day. Sensei would have to see him like this. He didn't want Sensei to see him like this. That would be like social suicide to Itadori.

Gojo Satoru  x  Yuji ItadoriWhere stories live. Discover now