33. Rogues Claim

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Ezekiel is raging once we seen Charles

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Ezekiel is raging once we seen Charles. The only time he has calmed is when he starts to worry about our mate touching the rogue with no gloves since aconitum has been used.

For us dragons the herb does nothing but for wolves it is toxic and would make her very sick if she didn't recieve treatment fast if touched. With the way our current medical staffing is, we would rather her not be in need of treatment. Which is still a great issue to go over with Harlow.

My eye sight becomes better as Ezekiel pushes to see it all for himself and not just in the backgrounds of my mind.

Harlow and I walk into the cell, causing Charles to attempt what could be proceeds to be jerking his head up. The movements were much to slow for it to be in a threatening manner which is what he possibly attempted it to be. It just shows how truly weak he is.

"How are the accommadations?" Harlow shocks me with the sass of a questions. Her face shows nothing but seriousness behind her words.

"Not to my standards."

"Your standards went out the door the moment you became an issue." Harlow's voice is full of power.

Charles starts to wheeze while attempting to laugh. "Tis not the issue I have created but the two of you are."

"We have created no such issue." I state, fuming.

Charles eyes look my way. "Oh, but you have. Just the mateship you two have formed is a disaster in the making."

"We did not choose this. It is a miracle we are given to each other from the ones that place souls together for mates." Harlow growls, feeling the same anger through our bond as I have.

"Neither of you had to enact on the matter. A simple rejection doesn't hurt long if you don't let the human sides control everything." Charles's starts to growl.

"I think your wolf still have to much control. Let's remind him who the true Queen and King are." Harlow steps up.

I watch her, as her claws slice through his legs. His blood slowly seeping out and onto the floor below him. She then proceeds to claw his arms and much of his flesh is not much attached to his bone anymore. 

"No one within their right state of being would reject their goddess given mate." Harlow steps back again.

"From experience it doesn't last but a short time and makes one stronger. The slight pain will create someone who is fit to rule, as myself."

"You are going on about this, so must mean you know from your mate rejecting you." I tilt my head, as Ezekiel is the one to speak up through me.

"Boy, you don't know pain. You would have if my next plans had worked out quicker and this bitch here was not standing as Queen but in the ground under the dirt I slept on."

"That will never happen. You are now here and unable to harm my mate." Ezekiel and I are literally fuming, as smoke starts to blow out my nose.

"What does you having been rejected have to do with Cohen and myself? As I see it, there is not much concern for you do to the simplicity you are a mere rogue." Harlow speaks up, stopping us in our track from barbecuing this wolf where he hangs.

"Even us at the bottom are affected by your ruling. I am sick of following others and do things my way. At least I would not allow emotions to cloud my judgements."

"I have never done a thing to harm the ones at the very bottom as rogues. The only time it is acceptable is if a rogue is causing issues or killing due to being truly insane. I should not have to be standing here explaining my reasoning, as you are the only one that has been causing issue." Harlow's voice becomes dark.

"How did you get the others to follow what your orders were?" I demand an answer from him.

"My wolf is just stronger than theirs." Charles answers in an almost catatonic state.

Good to know he has to answer now. Harlow looks over to me with notice he can't fight the commands being given any longer.

"How did you know we were mates prior to us even knowing? Or was you just using it to blame now you are captured?" Harlow presses her command.

"Flights from the scales and runs from the fur. Many of times through the decades, constantly close and seeming to be drawn to the border of each ones side."

If it was meant to mean more I don't reply. It would make sense as many times a scent would pass by our nose while in flight, and then be gone a moment later. Not being able to truly latch onto the scent we didn't know the meaning and brushed it off.

"You claim to put together we were mates prior to even our knowledge. Yet without visual proof of it, you started to have rogues with wolves weaker than your own to do your dirty work." Harlow restates it out.

"Yes. If I could at least make the great Queen of Wolves fall than I could rule."

"You would have never ruled as there is a system in place and my Beta would have taken over if I were to parish without a mate and offspring."

"If the war I attempted to start had happened and you two parished together, than my way would have been achieved. You and much of the higher ranks that could be stronger than I would have been gone, leaving me to be free to rule."

"It would have been the end of the wolf species, as you are not fit to rule even the rogues you commanded. Most of them probably had nothing better to do with their time and were already the killers that you just brought along with you. For the ones that were truly under any command by you will be set free and truthful to us after, just like the helper we had to find you." Harlow starts to slowly show signs of a near shift, as she is worked up.

I place a hand on her back out of his sight, but it keeps Harlow under control from shifting with anger. This cell much to small for her wolf and would burn at their fur.

Harlow looks at me and I have nothing further to ask. I simple give her a nod of my head.

Hey Hey Guys!!!

Charles is a piece of work isn't he?

Did Harlow get enough answers? Seems like Cohen has.

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