39. Joy Over The Land

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Time could not stop the joy that has filled the lands over the last nine months

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Time could not stop the joy that has filled the lands over the last nine months. Everyone has been getting along like old lost friends since the night of the ceremony.

We have not had a single attack from even a rogue since Charles died. So life has been peaceful every since.

The lands have been brought together as one just like the people during the ceremony. Harlow and I took a few days after the ceremony to just hide and be to ourselves.

Right after that we got to work on putting up the offers for where groups could live out over all the land. It helps to make sure that every area is covered by patrol and families there. Plus with flight it never takes a few hours to go from border to border. There is a even number of mixing between dragons and wolves in every area.

Our royal seals have been replaced to the new one that Harlow and I choose together. The hardest part when dealing with paperwork is making sure to write out the new name for the pack, Newlings. As for several decades we both used a different name because they were their own.

All of the new housing is completed as well. We officially moved into ours last week. Harlow and I have a house to ourselves, but neither of us wanted something any more lavish that the others so we live in a medium size house. While giving Malik and Kaida their own house to the right of ours. Then Czar and Zalia have theirs to the left of ours.

They decided it would be best considering at some point in the future we all plan to have littlings or pups. Both terms have been used between everyone. It also helps to where either of the three of us mated pairing is hearing the others while sexual times.

Malik and Czar are are second in lines and will be until the end of our ruling. That will never change and we are all wonderful friends, making it even better. It is how the second in line should be friends but also the next strongest and smartest after Harlow and I.

Harlow and I have enjoyed many flights together. There is nothing better than having her on our back during a flight. It gets comical at times when she runs while I am in flight. Our meadow is still our special spot to get away.

"How is that paperwork coming along?" Harlow's sweet voice calls out, while she is walking in.

"All done for the day."

"Good because now it is time to go make sure how the new medical staffing is holding up."

I stand from the desk, and take Harlow's hand. My lips find hers and we both moan into it, as our tongues find each others.

Pulling back, I smirk seeing Harlow's eyes are full of lust with her lips slightly swollen.

We leave the office and make it to the new medical building.

"I have been going over the new medical staffing for a few months now. This group seems to be on top of it at a moments notice. As well as making sure they know everything between both of the spirit animals."

"I know you have been working hard with them as of late." I nod, smiling at her.

"If they are to be the medical staffing than they must know everything. We won't have the same mistakes as prior where the staffing didn't even know with their own spirits."

"Tomorrow we are set to help guide the injured warriors, correct?"

"Yes. early morning to where they will be more relaxed with not letting nerves or stress affect them. They have come a long ways. I am just thankful my treatments worked before it got to the point of not being able to help them."

"I know when I spoke with them just a short time ago they were both excited for tomorrow. They have been without flight or even their spirit forms for a years time." I have felt for my guards but thankful Harlow was able to help them.

"Their therapy has not been the easiest but they put everything into it." She sighs.

We make it to the medical building and I open the door for Harlow. She smiles and pulls me along behind her.

"Hello everyone." Harlow smiles, as they all bow.

"Your Highnesses."

"We are just here for a walk around and making sure nothing is needed."

"No your Highness. Nothing is needed at this time."

"All of the classes have been gone through, correct?" I speak up.

"Yes, Sire. Queen Harlow has even helped to make sure for the confusing parts but showing with the plain figure."

I nod and smile over to Harlow. I knew already but wanted to see what their speaking.

"I still want weekly classes. You never know what may happen at any time and being prepared ahead is always going to be the key."

Everyone bows and gets back to working on mainly filing. Things are starting to be update to computer systems. Which will take a long while for all the paper files to be uploaded withthis new age. Thankfully, Harlow had everyone go through and learn the system first before so that no one is behind when having to use said system.

That has been the hard part of me is typing things, unlike Harlow how moves at much more graceful speed. Ezekiel has gave me some very cunning ideas with this new of the world. We could just burn it and many times I have been tempted.

Living such long times has benefits of seeing change, but this is not one of them. Harlow's arguement over it all is at least this way things would not be lost easily as such paper can be.

"Grumbling on the new ways again, I hear." Harlow smirks, having me unknowing pushed some of the thoughts her way.

"I didn't mean to push." I sigh.

"We still are getting used to how our bond works and it is a little more hyper aware than others. I don't mind and actually quite like it because I am more in tune with you."

We walk out of the medical building and I push her up against a tree. My lips find hers and earn a breathy moan from her.

"We may have to go into the woods out of sight if you keep that up because I won't be able to wait for the house." I smirk.

"Good times, my mate." Harlow smirks right back.

Before I know it, we are racing into the woods where no one shall see or hear with where we are.

Hey Hey Guys!!!

Is it funny to see how Harlow is accepting change of the world but Cohen is tempted to just stay with the ways of paper?

One chapter left to go! Truly hope everyone has enjoyed the story!

One chapter left to go! Truly hope everyone has enjoyed the story!

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