CG5 / Chapter two

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It was me, I admit. But I loved the thrill, of the taking.

I know what you're saying, 'He's a criminal now!, What happened to him?!' So what? 'You used to be nice!' So what? Maybe that was just an act I was playing on your phone screen. You'll never know.

Now you're maybe scared of me now, ha, everyone is, thinking I might punch you in the face or something? If you get in my way I can definitely.

I don't care about what people think, never did, never will, with me and my red suit on my skinny body. I don't even know why I wore this to— Oh wait, it's the one-year anniversary of my song, Monday Morning, with my friends on the song. Yeah, screw those guys, I'm running away here, passing people who's screaming with a bag full of money at my top speed. My gun and two knives are in my pocket of my suit pants, and my uncut curly blond hair flapping.

I didn't kill anyone, don't worry, I'm not that insane. I just like to bribe.

I should've used my grenade to be honest, that would've been cool to see. Or actually shot some bullets for effect. Whatever.

I quickly hide in an alleyway for a breath, my heart using me as a punching bag,—where it's not sunny—I've been running this whole time. I'm surprised that they didn't catch me yet, with me being kind of famous and all, and this afternoon sunlight. So what if I stole a lot of money, I needed the thrill, I need some action in my life, right?

Doesn't everyone?

Yeah, I thought so. It just feels so great to just be the villain sometimes...

I'm breathing so hard that I might pass out.

This is intense, gosh. How do these criminals do it? It's like an action movie up here!

As I'm taking a breath here, you've probably already guessed who I am, but if you're just that dumb to figure out now, (no offense I guess) I'm CG5, Charlie Green as my real name, almost three-point-five million subscribers on YouTube, a YouTuber musician, working on music since five and uploading it at eighteen or some crap, now twenty-three. I'm not gonna explain what the channel name means, you can search it up yourself.

But how ironic of me to just upload a song a week ago that's about a movie where animated animal-walking-talking criminals are robbing a bank, and now I'm robbing one myself, the Rockmaid Bank in Arizona, the most intense. Or, past tense, because I already robbed it. Don't ask how I did it. Heh, I just did. Not a question asked.

I adjust my black square glasses because they're kind of tipping. I had blue round glasses once, which were iconic, but I, uh, sort of accidentally sat on them...

I know my mom and dad raised me well, but I bet even they can't blame me that robbing a bank so smoothly like I just did looks fun.

Okay, sorry, time to go off now, I can't be late to my house after all, heheh. I take a deep breath in, gripping the money bag in my fingers, and start running again with the wind.

See ya later.

Er... maybe. If I get there of course, in time.

I'm taking it higher here.


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