Family Day

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Ellie POV:
The next day...
I met up with Alex in the studio to perfect our duet because Alex's parents asked us to perform a duet. We practiced a bit before it was time for us to head to the courtyard where the celebration was taking place.

Alex and I would perform our duet first, then Ben and his choir group would sing a song. I quickly changed mine and Alex's clothes to the costumes for the duet and got into position.

Everyone, and I mean everyone was clapping when we finished. Some people were even cheering! I'm still not used to this. I suppose I should get used to it if I want to compete, I guess.

Alex and I bowed then went off into the crowd to watch Ben and the choir. Before they started singing, I changed Alex and I's clothes back into what we were wearing before.

They sang their song and got an applause, but it wasn't as loud as it was for mine and Alex's duet, which I didn't understand because both our duet and the song was equally as good. Auradon is a confusing place.

Since I've already met Alex's parents, we went over to them and caught up with them. Alex took me to meet them after I spoke with my dad so I could thank them. Surprisingly, they actually liked me when they first met me. Ben also came over after shaking a few people's hands.

"That was so lovely!" Queen Belle kissed Ben's cheeks.

"Thanks, mum." Ben smiled. "I'm glad you liked it."

"Of course I liked it! It was wonderful." Queen Belle replied.

"Your mother's right, Ben. It was very good." King Adam joined in. "As was yours and Ellie's duet, Alex."

"Oh, yes. It was beautiful. You two have so much chemistry and, my gosh it shows when you dance together." Queen Belle pointed out. I smiled and looked at Alex. He nodded, as if to tell me to answer her.

"Thank you, Queen Belle." I thanked her, smiling at her. "You have no idea how much that means to hear that. Having chemistry is imperative in a duet, so it's nice to hear that you spotted that."

She smiled softly at me, "Ellie, I've told you before. Call me Belle. Please stop calling me Queen."

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry Que- Belle." I stopped myself before I could call her 'Queen' again. Alex, Ben and Adam all laughed at me, to which I pouted. They went to take a photo so I stood next to the photographer so I wouldn't be in the way.

"Just stand still against me." Belle told Alex and Ben. Alex just stared at me so he would be smiling the whole time.

"Oh. By the way, I have a new girlfriend." Ben told his parents. My smiled dropped a little at the subject. Alex noticed and pulled a silly face that got me to laugh.

They both looked relieved, especially Belle, "Oh, really! Well, I never wanted to say anything, but I always thought that Audrey was a little self-absorbed, with a fake smile, and kind of a kiss-up." Go Belle! I knew I liked her for a reason.

"Do we know your new girlfriend?" Adam asked his youngest son. Alex and I looked at each other and smirked. His parents may like me, but that's because I'm not evil and they know about my situation. They're helping me with it and they said after Coronation would be easiest to do anything about it.

"On the count of three." The photographer warned. Alex got ready and smiled at me. "One, two..."

The photographer's voice was drowned out by Bens, "Well, sort of. Mal!" He waved her over.

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