is surrounded by liars and is totally oblivious
to the supernatural world closing in on him.
chapter six TRAIN WRECK (season one, episode three; pack mentality)
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ELI REALLY DID NOT LIKE CHEMISTRY. Granted, maybe it was because Mr. Harris gave him literal bad vibes or perhaps it was because he, in general, had no idea what the hell was going on at any given moment. He stared at the scribbles Mr. Harris was drawing on the chalkboard in complete loss. Eli gulped and began rifling through his notes, trying to figure out what the fuck was happening. What unit were they even on? What were they supposed to be learning? Oh god, he's going to fail.
It also didn't help that while Eli was desperately trying to learn (and not bomb this class) all he could hear was Stiles' voice ringing in his head. It wasn't that he didn't like hearing Stiles' voice because he did (like a lot) but right now, he needed to focus. While he wasn't purposely trying to listen to the teen's conversation with Scott, a few obscure words stood out, catching his attention further. Why on earth were they talking about werewolves and rabbits?
"Mr. Stilinkski, if that's your idea of a hushed whisper, you might want to pull the headphones out every once in a while." Mr. Harris scolded from the front of the class, his hands propped on his hips. "I think you and Mr. McCall would benefit from a little distance, yes?"
"No," Stiles whined.
Mr. Harris pointed at each teen, giving the pair new spots to sit in. "Let me know if the separation anxiety gets to be too much."
Stiles dropped into the chair next to Eli and immediately his heartbeat quickened, pounding on the inside of his chest. Oh god, if he was having a hard time concentrating on the lesson earlier, how the hell was he supposed to figure out what the heck was happening now? All he could register was the brunet beside him.
Eli was doomed.
Despite that, Eli turned to his right and smiled softly. "Hi."
Stiles, who was glaring at Mr. Harris whilst chewing on his pencil, looked at Eli with wide eyes. The pencil dropped from his lips, falling to the desk with a clack. He said, quietly, "Hi."
He had the most beautiful eyes.
Eli dipped his head towards Stiles and whispered, "Why were you talking about werewolves?"
All the blood drained from Stiles' face. He choked out, "W-what?"
"I heard you say something about werewolves." Eli's ears reddened and he avoided meeting Stiles' gaze, focusing on his textbook. He cursed himself for saying anything. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop."
"It's all good. Um, it's from, uh... a book I'm reading."
"Really? What book?"
Stiles cleared his throat and winced as if he were about to cause himself pain. "Uh, yeah, it's called Twilight."