< Elephant Toothpaste? >

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In the end we sorted out the cake and we waited for it to cool down, after me and TestTube made the toppings, Lightbulb just kept looking at me.
In the end the cake was put in the pantry and I'm laying down in my bed on my back.
I knew I had those private lessons with TestTube the next day.
Not gonna lie, I was kinda excited for them.
But of course, my mind denied it.
Besides... this is just an experiment... right?
"Paintbrush?" Fan suddenly asked, snapping me out of my half asleep trance.
"Yeah?" I asked, annoyed at the fact he snapped me wide awake. I heard a click and the lamp on his bed side-table turned on.
"What do you think about Lightbulb?" He asked me such a bizarre question, is he now trying to point out the fact that I like Lightbulb!?
This makes me even more aggravated then I originally was.
"Like a friend, what else? Platonically of course. I don't like her romantically." I huff and turn on my side, looking away from the warm light from his lamp.
"Oh.. okay. Good to know." He said, I think I picked up a bit of relief in his tone.
Good to know? What the..
"Yeah," I sigh again, "Now goodnight Fan, turn off the light."
He doesn't say another word, turning off the light and I hear him shuffle around his bed.
"Goodnight." I hear him say.
"Night." I say in return.

But my mind kept buzzing around every time I was about to fall asleep.
Why has my life suddenly become drama-full ever since this afternoon?
Oh god... I hope I didn't jinx it.
That wouldn't be good.
I groan, shoving my face into my pillow, I couldn't seem to get comfortable, my head begun to hurt even more I laid in silence.
I just had to suck it up, and try to find my happy place.
Happy place...

The slam of the empty mug on the kitchen counter hurt my head, I couldn't sleep at all last night.
I felt like trash and my eyes and head hurt like hell.
I put the mug under the coffee maker and waited impatiently for it to slowly fill up.
I lean over the kitchen counter, pushing my fingers through my bristles and begun to rub the back of my head.
"Paintbrush?" I heard Fan say as he entered the kitchen, half asleep.
I flinch from the sudden sound of his voice, i quickly turn around and see him, he had obviously just woken up, I guess I woke him up while leaving our room.
"Hey," I say dryly, "Don't ask why I look like the way I do, I couldn't sleep."
I hear him chuckle, I grumble and grab my warm cup of coffee.
"I don't think anyone else is up yet, knowing it's only seven am," Fan started, "but I'll make breakfast for us if you want"
"Please," I yawned, "I need toast or just something."
I lightly push past him and crash on the couch, grabbing the remote and putting something on.
I hear rattling in the kitchen, moments followed with the nice smell off bacon.
And that's when you could hear Lightbulb coming down the stairs of the hotel, because where there's bacon, there's Lightbulb.
But my stomach dropped as I realised she shared a room with TestTube, I groan and take a sip of my coffee, and instantly feel better.

"Bacon!" Lightbulb runs into the kitchen, later the two of them coming back with three plates.
Wait... three?
"What about TestTube?" I ask, being given a plate of a bacon and toast sandwich by Fan.
"Sometimes she goes down her lab all night doing science things, and last night was one of those nights," Lightbulb then gives me a smirk, "Why do you ask?"
I give her a snare, "Just. Asking."

Later on we all finished breakfast and I was getting ready to go down to TestTube's lab, as I walked out the kitchen after putting my third cup of coffee in the sink I begun walking to the front door.
"Go get e'm tiger!" Lightbulb grabbed my shoulder and shook it, I growled and slapped her hand away.
She laughed and I closed the door after me.
Finally alone for the time being in the late morning sun, June has and will always be my favourite month, right in the middle and the weather is always so right.
Plus the flowers, I'm not one for gardening but the smell is comforting.
I enter the trees and come upon the vending machine again.
I spam the buttons and enter the lab, this time the lab is even more silent then it was before.
"TestTube?" I call out, nothing.
I walk around the corner where I did before and I see her sat down on a table asleep.
I chuckle and walk up behind her, I quickly grab her shoulders, scream and scare her awake.
"Golly!" She shrieks, "Paintbrush what was that for!?" Her fear suddenly became into a slight flame of fury.
"Oh y'know," I did a devilish smile, "For fun."
She scoffs at me and stands up, and I see the blue print on the table.
"What's that?" I ask.
"Oh?" She looked back at me, "Just a experiment I wanted to do with you that I named 'Elephant Toothpaste', sounds funky I know." She cackled.

"Why'd you call it that?" I put my hand on my hip, "Surely you'd call it more scientific" I flick my bristles out my face.
"Don't ask questions, I'm getting a latte, want anything before we start?" She asks, I playfully scoff.
"You should know me already," I walk with her to her small little kitchen in a isolated area, "Of course."

We came back to the main lab with our drinks, we placed them down on the side and started getting to the experiment.
We got the equipment and got to it, not gonna lie, she told me off at least two times because I was doing something wrong, but she went into details about the potassium iodide and yeast.
But in the end we got it.
"One. Two. Three.. drop!" TestTube yelled out to me, making me let the yeast fall into the tube.
And only a phew seconds went by and a sudden foamy substance shot out the tube and went everywhere.
And when I say everywhere... I mean everywhere!
It got in my bristles! I was angry about it yes, but I was to focused on the experiment itself and...
Huh? What was I doing again?
Oh yeah.

"Ey! That was pretty sick!" I say, blown away as the flow of the foam stopped gradually.
TestTube cackled, taking her goggles off, me following and doing the same.
"Now you know the features of potassium iodide and yeast,
I want you to do homework." She winks at me, I scoff.
"I figured, knowing you like to share your knowledge," I roll my eyes playfully, "I'll give you my 'homework' finished tomorrow, sound good you brainiac?"
She puts the goggles into the cabinet, "Actually," She turns to me, leaning against the counter, "We can continue the lesson on Thursday, knowing it's Tuesday today. I have some stuff I need to privately work on. And it gives you more time to work on your own knowledge"

"Of course, what's the homework?" I ask, taking some cleaning supplies out from under a sink and started cleaning up the experiment.
"Just give me notes and a good drawing demonstration," She looked at me, "because I know how you like to draw, you've got a pen sticking out your bristles," she laughs.
My face goes a bit red out of embarrassment, forgetting I had put that in my hair yesterday.
I took it out and leave it on the counter.
TestTube smiles and carry's on talking, "Show me what you've learned and what you've remembered, and no using Fan's phone for taking the information from the internet. Trust me I'll know."
We clean the rest of the mess and she walks me to the tube.

"Sound good?" She asked, making me stand in front of the tube as she stands back.
"Sounds great teach," I slightly wave to her, "Cya at the hotel if I do."
And with that I was sucked up the tube.
As my feet touches the ground, I had realised it was raining, great, just my luck.
Well hopefully the rain will wash the chemicals out my bristles.
As I walked through the forest and rain, looking at the sunset, not realising how long I had been down in the lab talking with TestTube just yet.
I just couldn't stop thinking about her, the way she smiles, her laugh.
Wait.. what am I thinking!?
No no.. I'm wrong, and so is everyone else!
I need me and only me!
I cross my arms, ignoring the faint blush on my face.
The rain made everything looked gloomy, especially the hotel.
Yes it was June, but I guess rain has to come when it's needed, I didn't mind it, I just hate being out in it.

As I got closer to the hotel, I knew Lightbulb would pester me about what happened, I'll just be basic and bland about it I suppose.
And plus, even if I wasn't that tired yet, I couldn't wait to feel my bed covers once again, and the sweet, sweet warmth.
But there was still that one small part of the back of my head... that just couldn't stop thinking about her.
I shook my head,
No, no more of that.
We're just friends Paintbrush, stop thinking like you like her.
Because you don't and can't love her.

Woah! That was a lot.
Anyway, lore???
I wonder what Paintbrush meant by they 'Can't love her'.
Oh how I wonder.
One of the great mysteries of life.
Fr though, rain in June is so soothing, like when it's raining but it's warm?

~ Caramel <3
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