Sweet Berry Cakes

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"This...Is Uh-MAZING!" You say through a mouthful of a sweet berry cake that four procured from a nearby booth. It is filled with a sweet custardy crème and is perhaps the best treat you have ever had. After all the dancing, picture taking, and excitement the two of you were feeling peckish and this was just the thing.

He laughs, delighted by your enthusiasm, and lightly shoulder checks you. "I'm so glad you like it! I was hoping you would..." He pops a piece into his own mouth, savoring the sweetness...the warm summer night..the lights and music and laughter... and just the time spent with you. He leans his head back as a gentle breeze sweeps through ruffling his long hair, and smiles. Suddenly a light touch soft against his cheek causes him to open his eyes again. He is surprised to see that it's you, tucking his hair back behind his ear. He blushes.

"Oh! Um..sorry, I just, I saw that it had slipped and I know you've been wearing it back like that most of today so I-...uh... I'm sorry."

He covers your soft hand with his rough callused one and presses it to his cheek, His eyes a vivid blue hue.. He smiles, somewhat bashfully. "Do you.. um, like it better back?"

"No!" You practically shout, taking him aback. "I-I mean yes, but...I like your hair all ways... I like You always and I mean it's your hair and I-I......." You freeze when you realize what you had just said.

He looks just as startled. His big eyes now Huge, a splendid pinwheel of shifting colors sweeps over them, flickering like divine fire. His mouth falls open and he drops your hand.

A small involuntary sound escapes your lips and you turn away hiding your face...You've done it now. You just had to go and ruin a perfect night by opening your big stupid-

You feel his hand gently on your shoulder, as he tries to turn you back towards him, "Hey.." he says softly. You give in and turn back towards him still covering your eyes.

"I-I' so sorry," You stammer. "I-"

He doesn't let you finish. You feel his lips on yours. Soft, warm...and light as a feather. Your eyes pop open surprised. He draws back, blushing hard, with a shy gentle smile on his face.

"I...I like you too" He almost whispers, and takes your hands in his again...but different this time, almost reverently. He runs the pad of his thumb over your knuckles and you both look at your hands for a long moment. His scarred and tan from years of heavy use.. The hands of a blacksmith... of a warrior, a man with years of hard travel under his belt. Then there are your own; softer, gentle.. the hands of someone who spend most of their life in relative safety, with a roof and a warm bed.. resting within his. He looks at them longingly. You feel suddenly bolder. You scootch just a tad closer on the little bench that you share and take his face in your hands. He looks up into your eyes, his own a hopeful swirl of colors.

"I'm glad.." you whisper back and rest your head against his for a moment. You both close your eyes and you lean in for a deeper kiss. He melts into it and brings his own hands up to gently cup your own face, just under your chin. You stay like that for a long moment, sitting under the stars.


You both look up to the sound of a polite cough to see the Minish Elder, standing before you with a bemused expression on his face.

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