Chapter 4

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NOT EDITED!!! Sorry guys... I just really wanted to post something for you guys :D

"Liam? Liam Payne. Is that you?" I was awoken by a loud distant squeaky voice screaming. I opened my eyes only to be hit with the harsh brightness of the sun. I blinked my eyes rapidly to try to regain sight and then began to attempt to move. I couldn't move; there was something holding me tightly. I looked down to my stomach were my hand was rested and saw a very toned, big, tanned hand underneath it. I traced the hand up to it's arm and eventually to the owner's face. It' belonged to Liam. I began to almost hyperventilate, why was I laying down outside and why were Liam's hands around me? Just as I was about to move I remembered everything. I had skipped school with Liam and gone to Olive Garden to eat; but I began freaking out and we left. Liam was being a prince and he brought me here, to the park, where we ate and then fell asleep. I felt a smile creep up upon my lips and I buried myself further into Liam's arms. His arms tightened even more around me. This caused a full on cheesy smile to appear on my lips and I looked up to see if Liam was awake.

His face seemed so peaceful, he looked absolutely beautiful. I was about to settle back to sleep when the same voice that had awoken me filled my ears once again. "Liam James Payne! Is that you?" The voice asked with more force; this time it seemed closer too. I lifted my head up as far up as I could to see if I could find the source of the squeaky voice.I looked around but didn't spot anyone that seemed like could have awoken me. I laid my head back down but this time I moved so that I was resting on Liam's chest. I placed my head on the crook of his neck and closed my eyes.

I suddenly felt shivers radiating throughout my body and realized that Liam was running his hands down my hair, causing me to feel in perfect bliss. what seemed like a half of a second later the very annoying high pitched voice returned. I sighted with annoyance as I realized the voice was actually real and not just some part of a freaky nightmare I was having. Liam and I both shot up into sitting positions. "Liam James Payne! Is that you?" The voice asked again.

Liam looked at me bewilderingly before he wrapped his arm around me again; he placed his left around my neck and grabbed my right hand with his right hand. He began rubbing small comforting circles on my arm. I gave Liam a quick smile before my eyes looked upon the park once again trying to identify who was calling out for Liam. "See Lauren! I told you that was Liam!" The same voice barked as her voice grew louder as it came closer.

"No!" Liam whispered shouted. "What are they doing here?" Liam groaned as he pulled me even closer to him. I allowed a small giggle to escape my lips and lifted my hands up to my eyes and gently began to rub them, hoping I would rub the sleep away along with it. I tilted my head so that it was resting on Liam and looked straight ahead trying to prepare myself for whatever was coming. I spotted a bash of blond curls gracefully moving toward Liam and I. They were followed by two other girls. That's when it suddenly hit me. Everything made sense now, well, kind of. The squeaky voice, the one girl calling the other Lauren, the blond curls. It was Mindy and her two pet monkeys, Lauren and Stacy. The always followed behind her.

Liam gave my hand a small squeeze and that's when I remembered what I had heard on the bus before winter break. Liam and Mindy were rumored to be dating before we left for winter break. I quickly turned my head so that I was facing Liam. He gave me a small reassuring smile. Mindy and her crew sat down on the blanket in front of us and eyed Liam and I.

"So? What's up Mindy? Why are you here?" Liam asked trying to soften the awkwardness.

"Not much, we were just about to get some ice cream when I thought I saw you. So we came to check out if I was right. Which I was!" Mindy said excitedly. "Hmmm... so how come you ditched school?"She asked as she bit her bottom lip. definitely trying to make herself seem sexy. She kept her eyes locked on Liam totally ignoring the fact that I was even sitting there.

Liam let out a small non-humorous chuckle and wrapped his arm tighter around me. "Something more important came up." Liam said trying to put an end to the conversation.

"Something else? What do you mean? What could possibly be more important than the pep-rally we had today." Mindy asked as she twirled her hair trying to seem Innocent.

"Something more important like me wanting to take Jackie out on a date." Liam said as he smiled and rested his forehead upon mine. He pulled away after a bit leaving me blushing incredibly hard. "Now, I'm sorry Mindy, Laura, and Stacy, but we would like to continue our date. So I guess I'll see you at school tomorrow." Liam said politely flashing them a vigilant smile.

As Mindy realized what Liam had just said her face was priceless. I think her eye even began to twitch because she quickly held her hand up to it and gave us a fake smile. "Well, yeah. Sorry for interrupting. We didn't mean to." Mindy said as her posy and her stood up. She looked directly at me and flashed me an evil smile that sent chills down my back before saying, "Well, maybe some other time we can hang out. You know, get to know each other."

Hahaa! Did Mindy really just suggest that we should hang out? As far as I've known she's always hated me. So why was she asking me to hang? This day could officially not get any weirder. I just smiled at her as a response and muttered a soft 'bye'. She flashed Liam a cheeky smile and also said bye as she walked away with her two pets behind her.

"Sorry about that." Liam said as he dropped his arm from my shoulder and began playing with my hair. This caused me to blush and giggle. 

"It's okay. Not as if it was your fault." I said as I looked into his deep chocolate eye. After a few minutes of silence I spoke. "I really love your eyes. I think they're the first thing I noticed about you when you moved here." I said honestly, not even noticing I was speaking.

Liam set his forehead against mine and stared straight into my eyes as he dropped my hair and brought his right hand up to my face and began to caress my cheek. "Really? Because the first thing I noticed about you were also your eyes. You were standing outside of the school three years ago. You were sitting on the side walk waiting for your friends. You turned your head and looked at me, giving me the slightest smile. Your eyes glistened in the sun light. They looked so sweet, they were a caramel color. Then when your friends arrived you got up and looked back at me again, but this time you gave me a full smile. Well, I hoped it was for me." Liam whispered as a smile grew on his face at the vivid memory. That day wasn't a stranger to me either. I had been living that day over and over every single day. Some days I would imagine things happening differently. Some days I would actually have the courage to go and talk to him. But I never knew that he had actually been paying attention. I believed it was just a fantasy o mine, a trick being played on me by my own brain. I felt this weird feeling in my stomach as it dawn on me that that day was just as significant to him as it was to me. I couldn't help but let out a huge smile. 

"Liam, I was smiling to you. I can remember that day perfectly, in fact I replay it in my head every day. That was the same day I noticed your eyes. They seemed so dark and full of hurt and resentment. I had been looking at you for a while before you noticed me. When you noticed me though, your eyes seemed to soften, they turned into a chocolate brown. They seemed so warm and welcoming. That was the reason for the first smile. I felt as if I had known you forever. But then I noticed how stupid I was sounding and turned back around trying to hide my embarrassment. Except when I turned back around you were still looking at me and it gave me the slightest hope; maybe I hadn't just imagined what I had felt. But I was too scared to fin out. That's the reason I walked away." I admitted and looked down at the blanket. We still had our foreheads pressed together; as I said this I could feel Liam's forehead furrow. 

I was about to say something when Liam crashed his lips against mine. At first I froze, I was confused as to what was happening... then it hit me. Liam Payne was kissing me. He was actually kissing me. I kissed him back following his lead and then pulled away slowly. This was my first kiss...

Hey guys! Sorry for taking forever to post this... but hey, I'm only human. Anyways... my updates might get even slower. :( I know... I'm sorry. But I've been doing really good in school since I haven't been on here... so sorry guys. I still love you though! I will try to sneak a few updates here and there.

Oh! I also have a surprise for you guys which I will be telling you about shortly :) I'm really excited about it. Well anyways... tell me what you guys think. I'm sorry if it's lame... I had a hard time writing this chapter. I just didn't know how to incorporate an evil into the book... but I hope this works. :) Well... I love you guys a ton!!! You are the best.

xoxoxo Juliet

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