So go

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Moonbyul's POV

I and Wheein am walking near the surf. Next thing I remember we were walking down near the surf. You were walking as close as you could to the water without getting wet. 

"So Are you still or Zoloft?"

"No, I stopped. I didn't want to feel like I was being artificially converted."

"But my sleeping is really not that great."

"I don't think, I've slept in a year" I chuckled.

"You should try Xanax. I mean, it's a chemical and all, but it works... and it works just having it around, knowing that it's there. Like some sort of an insurance "

"Oh that's the trend, A sleeping insurance"

We walked and walked.

"You married," She asked out of the blue.


"Nice, Let's move to this neighbourhood then" Wheein tries one of the doors on a darkened house. It made me nervous.

"Perhaps, I do live with someone" 

"Oh," She walks to the house and tries the door.

"Male or female," She asked. I chuckled before answering.

"Apparently, It's a female"

"At least I'm not barking up the wrong tree." She finds a window that's unlatched. She lifts it.


"What are you doing Whee-" She scrambles to the window. I looked around panicking.

"It's freezing outside, come in. "

"Wheein" I whispered calling. I couldn't believe you did that. I was paralyzed with fear.

The front door opens and Wheein stands there beckoning. 

"C'mon, man. The water's fine. Nobody's coming here tonight, believe me. This place is closed up. The electricity's off. " I hesitated. 

I walked cautiously towards the door. 

"As soon as you walked in. I knew I had you. You knew I knew that, right?" Wheein told me while we watch the scene before us. 


"I knew"

"I knew by your nervousness that Irene wasn't the kind of girl who forced you to criminally trespass. " I laughed knowing that it's a fact.


"Gosh, It's dark"

"What's the name  of your girlfriend again?"


She's searching through drawers for something. She pulls out a flashlight and shines it on my face. 

"Ah-ha! Now I can look for candles, matches, and the liquor cabinet."

"May-Maybe we should go now-"

"No, it's our house! Just tonight -- (looking at the envelope on the counter) -- we're Dawn and Hyuna Laskin. Which one do you want to be? I prefer to be Hyuna but I'm flexible. (opens cabinet) Alcohol! You make drinks. I'm going to find the bedroom and slip into something more Dawn. So we'll be awake by dawn at the moment."

She runs upstairs, giggling. The room is drying out, turning into a husk.  

"Look, I really should go. I might miss my ride" I didn't want to go. I was really too nervous. I thought, maybe you were a nut. But you were exciting. You called from upstairs.

"So go" I was stoned at my place. those familiar words. 

"I did. I walked out the door. I felt like a scared little kid. I thought you knew that about me. I ran back to the bonfire, trying to outrun my humiliation. You said, "so go" with such disdain."

"What if you stayed this time?" She asked poking her head downstairs.

"I walked out the door...There's no memory left"

"Come back and make up a goodbye at least. Let's just pretend we had one. " I can feel the stinging tears escaping my eyes. As I watch her come downstairs slowly as vague and robotic, making her way through the decaying environment. Why did I make this decision of removing her? 

"Bye Byul..." 

"I love you Wheein..." We kissed, for the last time. 

"Meet me in Montauk..."

Soon she fades. The place fades. And now We're gone.



Hyejin parks the van in front of "Lacuna." She gets out and crosses to her car. Sodam is walking out of the office with a cardboard box of stuff. 

"Hey, Sodam!" Hyejin called.

"Hey Hyej," She passes by the Van and went straight to her car. 

"I take it you're not coming back. Got your stuff, I see." Hyejin blurted with sadness.

"That's right."

"I don't blame you. I wouldn't come back either. If I were in your shoes" Hyejin remorsefully told her. Sodam stops and turns back to Hyejin.

"Do you swear you didn't know? "

"I swear really."

"So you didn't do any erasing?" Sodam asked Hyejin again.

"I don't have a particular reason to" The younger answered.

"And you never even suspected we were together? Never saw us behaving in any unusual way together?"

"I don't know once maybe?"She watches Hyejin closely, waiting for her to continue.

"It was here actually, At her car. I was coming back from a job and spotted you together. You seemed caught. I waved. You giggled. " Hyejin remembered.

"How do I look that time?" Sodam curiously asked. Hyejin shrugged.

"You look happy...happy with a secret"

"And after that?"

"Nothing, I didn't see you with her again and back to her life with Wendy, I never imagined it or figured it out since I only see you together once" 

"Thanks, Hyej, I'm glad I have a friend like you"

"Well, we can only rely on one another right?" They hugged. 

"You're right"

"But one thing Hyej-"


"I want to do something"

"What is it?"

"Ok, But first, resign to her now then I'll call you and you can help me with this ok?"

"I was thinking of doing it today too, but ok"


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