❤️💀? Sad Collector x motherly reader

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Requested by True7654

I secretly saw when Belos thew Collector of the bridge. When he went away I immediately went down. I found the mirror he's in at the end of the cave. "Collector are you okay", I ask with full concern. "Go away *sniff* I'll just rot away in this *sniff* cave forever!" "Hey it's ok we'll find a way to get out", I tell him to make him feel better. "*Sniff* ok, but Belos was one of my only real friends! *Sobs* How could he betray me *sobs*!" "It's ok Collector, you don't need that big bozo",  I encourage him. "WAHHHHHHH WHYYY MEEEE", Collector yells. He seems to be taking it very seriously. Maybe a hug would make him feel better. I walk up to where he's standing and give it a nice hug. He begins to break down more. "*Sob* WAHHHH!!!" "Just let it all out. I'm here for you." "*Sniff* ok I think I'm feeling better", Collector tells me. "Good cause I thought maybe you would want to play a few games with me (🥹 so cute)",I suggest. "Oh of course [Y/n]", he pronounces.

We proceeded to spend the rest of the night playing games in the cave. When Collector goes to sleep I give him a good night kiss on his forehead.

Remember to put in a request if you have one! (I'm gonna remind u every chapter)

Collector x reader Oneshots! (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now