💀Collector x clumsy dying Reader (platonic)

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"[Y/n], where you", I yell. I've been looking for [Y/n] for over an hour. I heard her screams and rushed over here. *Scream*, "[Y/N] are you there!?" "Please I need you to be safe!" After a little searching I find her laying on the ground in a blood of own blood. "[Y/N]!" "WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU!?" "*Cough* I just feel down the hill over there. With the luck I have there was another under the first hill. Hehe..." "NO THERE'S NO TIME FOR LAUGHING WE NEE DTO GET YOU TO SAFETY!" "A hospital is miles away. I just want to spend my last moments with you." "[Y/n]...NO I WON'T LET YOU DIE!" [Y/n] begins to close their eyes. "NO NO NO NO! DON'T CLOSE YOUR EYES!" "It's ok just be in the moment. It's bound to happen some time or another." "BUT NOT NOW." Her eyes get even heavier. "You were the best little brother anyone could ask for..." She fully closes her eyes. [Y/n] lays lifeless in my hands. I start to sob. I don't stop for another few hours. I wish I could've saved her. I just think what I could've done differently. 

I wish you were here...

I'M BACK! At least for a little while. I'll do some more chapters and hopefully not keep you guys waiting to long. For now tho BYE 😘!

Collector x reader Oneshots! (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now