Tracking Down Professor Egg & Advance Teleport Device

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-Daylight at the Soleanna Kingdom-

Night of the attack went on with the Heroes clear out alot of Robots & saving many peoples & Guards. As daylight arrive of the Kingdom, arena was getting clear by the Guards but number of Robots was still around with numbers of different part of the Soleanna Kingdom need to be clear out or in case more wave was coming with the Center arena of the Soleanna Kingdom being clear enough for people to stay safe from with the Guards expanding the Forces & slowly pushing back the Robots with Machito, Clauds, Tasha, Curco, Krystorm, Lucy, Francine, Axol, Bob & Mario finish clearing off the last of the Assault Robots.

Axol: *Look over the cover with Levi Ackerman finish off the last of the Assault Robots* I think it the last one.

Mario: *On the ground feeling so tired* Bro, say that again & your pingas will be cut off. I lost so much fat as it is... 

Bob: *Click my Machine Gun* DoN't KnOw AbOuT tHaT bUt I'm HaViNg An AwEsOmE tImE.

Curco: Phew... This doesn't change of kept on fighting against Robots. But I can't imagine how far the Princess is now.

Machito: *Sigh* Don't remind me... It took the whole night to clear the Robots. This is only the beginning. 

Lucy: Professor Egg don't have his hand on the God Chaos Emerald. We're just buying time. 

Krystorm: Not unless Professor Egg will use the Princess to get us to give him the God Chaos Emerald.

Machito: You're not wrong on that. 

Tasha: That why we need to move quickly.

Clauds: *Worry* I hope the Princess is alright... I can't imagine how scare she is.

Francine: Princess Mabel may be scare... But she's more brave then you think. She have a strong will.

Curco: Is that strong will is also for her to keep her tear in?

Francine: *Sigh* Sadly yes... But any moment will be our last. The sooner & better that we need to move.

Clauds: How are we going to find her? Professor Egg can shield the energy & life force for us not to find.

Francine: I already got that cover.

Machito: How so?

Francine: I send my Mecha Falcon to follow the signal that is being block. So it keeping an eyes on it.

Tasha: You tell us this now? 

Francine: If I would to send it while Professor Egg make his escape, it would have gotten the sign. If it give out block signal it could track it from the distance. 

Infinila: Then we have a chance to save the Princess!

Machito: Then mind pinpoint the location? 

Francine: *Nod* Of course. 

???: Hey guys!

They all look & saw Sam running to them with SRJ, Wally, Lily & Ashley running to them.

Machito: Little Bro, SRJ, Bro, Lily, Ashley. You guys alright?

Sam: Yeah we are. 

SRJ: Fighting these Robots are very crazy. Almost forget how annoy they are with Professor Egg.

Lucy: You & me both.

Infinila: What the situation? 

Wally: All Robots have been destroyed & clearing out the remaining. 

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