Survival Of The Flame Core Within The Volcano Mountain (1/2)

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(Head up) Before you continue to read the content below. Please be sure to check out my bio of the "Dues and Don's" within my stories.

-Somewhere at the Lava where the Realm Portal is open at the island-

Machito: *Appear with everyone close to the Realm Portal being open & quickly saw Lava all around the Realm Portal* Infinila now!

Before everyone can fall, Infinila quickly form a big Phantom Cube Platform underneath herself, Machito, Clauds, Tasha, Curco, Jenny, Jean, Jenna, David, Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang, Dalla, Dana, (Y/N), Lucy, SMG4, SYG4, Smashie, Krystorm, Sam, Rexy, Lily, Saiko, Mario, Meggy, Starla, Tari, Crimson & Francine for all of them to stand on & lower down infront of the Realm Portal & holding the Phantom Platform up. 

SMG4: Phew, thank goodness for quick save. 

Yang: Good quick thinking Infinila.

Infinila: *Holding on to the Phantom Platform & smile* Thanks. But let be quick about it. 

Crimson: *Looking at my Meta Guardian Arm to scan the arena & saw so many Enemies around us* Yeah, I'm detecting hundreds of them all around us. We're sitting duck. 

Saiko: Well more than a reason to go back to the Realm. 

Francine: *Took out the Divine Gem* Then should we get started on heading back?

Machito: Yes. *Look at Francine* But I don't think it necessary to use the Divine Gem.

Francine: Huh? Wait, you're actually going to try using the Light Of Harmony? 

Smashie: Eh?

David: *Arm cross* What do you mean by that?

Machito: You're going to have to trust me on this. They gave me some advice & tip about the Light Of Harmony that I never knew it could do that.

Tasha: But you sure that you want to test it out?

Dalla: Not sure if it a right time to do that. You sure that it will work?

Machito: Unless we get split up again. And we CAN'T risk that either from every corner will be extra careful or we're done for. 

Clauds: I say we go for it.

Ruby: I agree. 

(Y/N): It WILL help us. I said we go for it.

David: *Sigh* I hope you know what you're doing. 

Machito: *Waking to the Realm Portal* I'm hoping as well.

Tari: You can do it cuz.

Curco: But let be quick before we get notice.

Jenny: We'll keep an eye out.

Machito walk to the Realm Portal & looking at it with his eyes on his eyes from thinking about the Advice from the Alternate Heroes from learning more about the ability of the Light Of Harmony which show him sign of how far he gotten with the Light Of Harmony in the Alternate Future.

Machito: *Thought* Let the Light Of Harmony GUIDE & HELP with many potentials from becoming 1 with each other & the answer WILL come to me. WindDriver do you know something about what they said?

WindDriver: *Thought* I think what they meant is letting the Light Of Harmony GUIDE you from within. This almost sound like how each Light Of Harmony User would let the PAST User guide them & giving advice to the next Light Of Harmony to grow much powerful & stronger while guiding to a brighter future. It makes the cycle of the Light Of Harmony around for so many years of the Creator Time from GoddessGuardian. But... In all the time of past user, they always master & figure on how the Light Of Harmony Ancient Power & give them power that could even surpass a God with the FULL Mastery of it Ancient Power & what make it as the MOST POWERFUL Chosen Guardian that ever exist, but I don't know if any of them actually let the Light Of Harmony GUIDE & HELP them. But if Drake Force can be reach out even with the cycle being seals, I think it possible... But ONLY you can make it happen. It all or nothing Machito.

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