Jimmy tries to kill Buster

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Linda on the news: The hottest news today, Porsha crystal has been reportedly fired from her father's show!

Jimmy furiously threw the remote at the TV breaking it before looking at Natasha , Jerry , Sumi , and his guards with shocked and outraged eyes

Jimmy- He fired my daughter ? MY DAUGHTER ?!

Jimmy sees her crying.

Jimmy- Will you be quiet ?! You embarrassed me enough !

Porsha cries in Troy's arms*

Porsha wipes her tears: But daddy...

Jimmy- Now the whole world thunks I got a talentless loser of a daughter !

Natasha gasped in shock in disgust

Natasha- Jimmy ! Watch your mouth in front of our daughter !

Jimmy- Tasha , I'll deal with you later ( Points at Troy ) You !!

Troy gulps: *in his mind* Please don't drop me off the roof

Jimmy- I never liked ya the day we met! You decided to butt in and got mixed up in this somehow ! Out !

Troy: Okay okay! *as he begins to leave*

Porsha: Daddy, don't kick Troy out!

Jimmy- No! I had it up to here with this humiliation !

Troy looks at Natasha who glanced at him with an apologetic stare


Troy: Okay okay! *leaves and shuts the door*

Porsha: Troy! *cries*

Jimmy- Take her home !

The jaguar guard gently took Porsha's hand and led her out as Jimmy rubbed his head as Natasha could only stare in disgust

Natasha- I cant believe you just did that to your own daughter ! Calling her a loser ! How could you ?!

Jimmy-(Annoyed) Tasha, NOT now !

Jerry cowered in fear as Suki felt empathetic for Porsha and he turned to Jerry.

Jimmy- Bring me Moon.....

With the Weaselings.....

The weaselings are shocked seeing the news after training*

Tigs: Oh no....

Arabella- Told ya she was a bad actress. You owe me an apology...

Tigs: I'm sorry for not listening to you sis, want me to make you a sundae as an apology?

Arabella- Okay!!!!!

Cherry- Why do you guys care anyway? She ain't your daughter

She shuts the TV off

Light Fury coos, Yoshi, Loretta's pet is cooing too*

Cherry- No TV for you bitches

Cherry keeps it locked

Pentol: Babe... does someone want me to make you a 5 layer drink?

Cherry tries not to fall for it but Pentol knows by the wagging of her tail she likes it

Pentol: I got "Cherry" flavor, grape flavor, blue raspberry flavor, lemon flavor, lime flavor, plus Peach flavor...

Cherry giggles and moans in delight and pulls him close to her.

Cherry- Cherry , Peach , blue raspberry and lime handsome.....~

Pentol: Coming right up baby *kisses her arm*

Cherry giggles and moans

With Buster....

He received the call from Jenny Clay Calloway is coming and happily entered inside Jimmy's office where ue sees the fur stylists grooming Jimmy for his meeting as Natasha watches

Buster: Mr Crystal! I have some great news, Clay Calloway is on his way right now!

Jimmy- Everyone out.....

The few stylists took their leaving and walked off. When Natasha went to leave , Jimmy grabbed her hand tight.

Jimmy- You stay....

Natasha is shocked*

Natasha- Jimmy....

Buster- Okay I think I might know what this is about but--

Jimmy: You fired Porsha...

Buster looked up at him perplexed.

Buster- What? No , I-I never fired her...

Jimmy: You calling my daughter a liar!?

Buster- N-no Im just saying she took it the wrong way !

Natasha- Jimmy , he's just saying there was a misunderstanding

Jimmy: The right thing to do *grabs Buster* Is what I tell you to do!!

Natasha- Jimmy , let him go !

Buster: I did! I put on a great show! And Calloway! He's coming!

Jimmy hangs Buster over the edge*

Natasha tries to stop him by pulling onto his arm

Natasha- Jimmy , stop it right now !!

Buster: Please! Please!

Jimmy: You really think I would let a lowlife amateur like you humilate me, and stealimg my wife?!

Buster- What , no !! No !!!

Natasha- James Crystal , stop this madness ! He's not stealing me from you !!

Jimmy: So I'm gonna have to let you go

But before he could drop him, Jerry came in*

Jerry- Excuse me ! Mr and Mrs. Crystal !

Jimmy grabbed Natasha's hand and Buster's clutched tighr onto his left arm as Jimmy frozs

Jerry- Your show with Linda is will be airing in 10 minutes !

Jimmy growls and threw Buster in the closet*

Buster: You nearly killed me!

Jimmy: And I'll finish the job later! *locks the door and drags Natasha away*

Natasha- Jimmy , let me go !

Buster- Natasha !

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