Vexa feeling better

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With Lumina......

Lumina is with her three brothers in imaginary world making a vile of the cure*

Lumina- Mhm...

Bill looks

Lumina: Okay, I need one moonstone

Nega Death grabs one from Nyx tears when they threatened her causing Bill to glare

Lumina placed the moonstone in the cauldron: Now, I need some star sand

Bill puts a star sand in it.

Bill- I can't believe youre letting them help you

Lumina: Look, I care about my sister Bill, so please calm down.

Bill calms down*

Lumina: Now, I need a red jungle flower.

Definite gave it to her*

Bill glares at them

Lumina: Now last two ingredients is the puffy mushroom and the blue lotus flower

Iblis gave them to her, Lumina placed them in and the cauldron glows pink, she put the cure in two viles*

Lumina gave them the vile: Here, this extra one might be for someone else if they have the same cancer.

Nega Death: Thanks sis, now let's go guys! *as they leave*

Bill- You should've let them do it themselves. Its obviously not our problem. And wouldn't that be karma for what they did ?

Lumina: Bill, I know the cures of cancer, they can't figure it out without my help.

Bill was about to say something, but she's right.

Bill: Touche.

With Vexa....

She is now all white and sick as she moans in pain her tail weakly trying to sway

Void: Sweetie, just hang in there, they should be back soon

Vexa- It...... Hurts.......

Void: Shhh, don't speak, you'll be okay.

Vexa whimpers before Nega Death and the others came back

Nega Death holds the vile: We got it!

Void grabs it: Okay, open up so you can drink it sweetie

Vexa hesitantly opens her mouth

Void pours the cure in her mouth, then Vexa started to glow*

Her skin turns back to black

Ifrit: It's working!

Vexa's headache started going away as she doesn't feel queasy anymore

Void: How do you feel sweetie?

Vexa- Im feeling better !

Void hugs her: I'm glad you are

Vexa giggles

Void: Now that she's feeling better, let's get something to eat

Null: Awesome!

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