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                         third person pov

"Dynamite can you tell us what happened?!" Reporter's yell as they follow the blond man "kacchan can we please just talk about this?!" Deku yells grabbing bakugou's wrist "there isn't anything to talk about deku!" He shouts as he snatches his arm away from the greenet and continues walking "no why! Why didn't you tell me you were leaving?!" "Leave it alone deku!" Bakugou snapped walking faster "kacchan!" Soon more and more reporter's gather around the two heroes "I don't need to tell you anything" bakugou said pushing through the crowd of reporter's "yes you do! We're partners I can't have you just up and leave the agency!" "Find a new partner! I QUIT!" Everyone went dead silent "what?..." Bakugou stopped in his track's and looked at deku "I QUIT! ARE YOU HAPPY?!" He says as he continues to walk out of view. Suddenly all the reporter's swarm izuku "do you know why he's leaving Mufatsu?" "Are you the reason" "people say he has a relationship with red riot can you tell us about that?" More and more questions cave in on green haired man but all he can think is 'why?'

Two years later

                       Bakugou's pov

"What do you mean her quirk is early?" I'm currently on the phone with my old hag and obviously the only thing she wants to talk about is ka typical "she said she can make smoke. red smoke" I say  "we're at the hospital right now" "wait wait red smoke?" "Yes old hag red smoke she said it makes her see things and make her tired" "katsuki bakugou?" A doctor yells holding a clipboard" "oh hag I gotta go" "wait-"  I hang up on her and put my phone in my pocket and head over to the doctor "your the father yes?" "Yeah"  "is the mother here as well?" "She doesn't have a mother" I say bluntly "oh I'm sorry to hear that-" "no i- um" "oh- I didn't mean to be rude it's just-" "it's fine what's happening?" I say hoping that we can get over this part of the conversation "well... As you know she has developed her quirk" "what is it?" I say as the doctor takes a deep breath "well it's nothing I've seen before but we believe it's called scarlet shadow" "what does that mean?" I say in a desperate tone "well we think she can create shadow's" "that's not so bad..." "The shadows are alive almost as if they are to interact with the living...the smoke like mist that surrounds them has red phosphorus a chemical often found in grenade's it also has traces of melatonin which so it may have a affect on her while producing such toxins" "what...do you mean" "it may be a mix of your quirk or manifestation of both your's and her other parents" "but her father didn't have any quirk like this" "then it may be from an unknown source if of the case we would need to run tests on both you her father and Kahlo" "but her father is..." "Out of the picture? I'm sorry but it's the only way to know if her quirk is safe you need to get in contact or we will never know... Infact with how much red phosphorus is in the air while using her quirk she may get hurt so till we run tests we'll need her to use quirk suppressants" the doctor hands me a small bottle and says "make sure Kahlo takes one  two times a day" "yeah.." soon after the doctor leaves and out comes Kahlo "papa! Look I got a lollipop!"

{A/n~ What will happen will bakugou talk to his daughters father again? Or will they continue to strain the relationship of the man he's known for years find out next time 🖤
PS/ mitsuki named Kahlo bc she's a woman of culture ✨}

(Just reread this and I am sincerely sorry for those who have read it as well 😀)

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