A deal

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                        Bakugous pov:

"Papa are we there yet?" Kahlo says as the train continues to travel "not yet my little cachorro" we're right now on our way to Musutafu it's been years since I've been in this city... But I suppose ka's excited to visit my parents.
I on the other hand am not exactly thrilled to be back at all, but hey what's a father have to, to do to run away from his whole life to have a child in secret.

We soon arrived at the train station where my old hag and old man were waiting.
The minute Kahlo seen them she ran to hug them. "Abuelo, abuela!"  "Ka, honey it's great to see you" as my old hag and Kahlo talk my old man gives me a short hug "so how's Tokyo?" "It's fine pa' " "that's good.." few moments of awkward silence then-
"Katsuki you lil' shit where's my hug?!" "Hah?! You don't need one you old bat!" "Get your ass over here!"
After that fiasco I let my parents take ka home with them. After all we didn't come here just for a visit

                          Izuku's pov:

"Phew! Now that was a work out don't ya think deku?" Denki says as we undress from our hero costumes "ya it's been awhile since we got a tough one like that" I say in response. I see denki look at his phone fallowing that I hear a loud gasp come from him "OMG" I turn to look at what he's so excited about "DEKU LOOK AT THIS" the moment he said that he shoved the phone in my face "what-" then I seen the caption of what seemed to be a News catalog.



                      Bakugous pov:

Not gonna lie it was hard figuring out how to get here but I'm back. At deku's hero agency I walk in to see everyone stare at me. None the less I have a job to finish. I continue to walk up to highest floor and open the door to see... Well deku "kachann?" "Bakugou?" And pink cheeks aka. one of the most annoying people I've have ever met. "Kachann what are you doing here?" As I step away from the door and close it "I'm here for a little....Chat" "can it wait he's obviously working" "it's fine Ochako will you excuse us?" She looks almost shocked to have heard him say that without a word she scurried off now it's just me and him.

(New platform)

D: "what is it you wanted to talk about?"

B: "I think you may know"

D: "I swear I have no idea what your talking about"

B: "July 14th the day before your birthday"

D: "what we did wasn't right..."

B: "so you avoided me for a week? What did that salve?"

D: "I..."

B: "Deku let's be honest you knew this would happen didn't you?"

D: "no... I don't even know what THIS is!"

B: "well I guess she never told you"

D: "who never told me what"

B: "your mother I guess she never told you about our child hm?"

D: "child?.."

B: "whatever... This isn't about me or you she needs help and the only way she can get it is if you agree"

D: "agree to what"

B: "the hero commission labs have officially opened a quirk analysis case on her"

D: "w-what wouldn't she be only two?"

B: "she is but... She got her quirk three days ago... They say it could kill her or whoever is in the vicinity. None the less what I'm saying is her quirk is deadly and I don't want my daughter's life to be at risk because she has neither mine or your quirk"

D: "if I help what happens after?"

B: "nothing we both go back to our lives you won't visit her, you won't call her, you won't look for her, until she wants to be found"

D: "so after this you'll be gone again.."

B: "like I was never here"

(Old platform)
"So what do you say?" I say as I reach my hand out he stares at me for a minute then shakes my hand in return


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