Jataro Ending

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It has been 4 days after we received the news that there was a killing game inside The future foundation Building,We were a bit worried for the people in there.

You and Jataro were inside the room while the others were busy doing something,they were probably playing outside.

Jataro was painting something, you wanted to see it but you didnt want to disturb him.

You sat on the chair Humming to yourself,Jataro stood up With his painting and went up to you.

You looked at him And asked "is there something wrong Jataro?"

"I just wanted to give you this F/n.."He Says as he Brings up the painting he made.

You take it and looked at it,It was a Painting of you laying In a feild of Flowers.

"Wow!this painting is so beautiful Jataro Thank you so much!"You said.

"Its no problem F/n.."He said.

You continued to look at the painting and saw something On the Painting,It was Words it said 'I like you F/n♡' .

You looked up to Jataro and Smiled,"You Liked me Jataro?You shouldve told me!I like you too!"You put the painting down on the table and hugged him.

He blushed and said "i was too shy to ask..sorry.."

"Ehe!its alright!"You pat his Head.

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