"Oranges?" A tall guy tilted his head to the side, his lips curling in a bunny smile.
Jimin had to forcefully close his mouth from the visual shock. "I-I mean, um I'm sorry- let me introduce myself, I'm Park Jimin, and I'll be taking care of your needs."
At this a relatively shorter guy snorted, his skin looked even paler against his blonde hairs. Jimin narrowed his eyes at the loss of context.

"Oh! Well, 2! 3! We are KTS!" The three guys shouted their greeting and bowed. Jimin felt another level of nausea hitting him, but he smiled through it.
"Hello,I'm Jungkook." The bunny smile guy said.
"Kim Taehyung!" His pretty face made Jimin blink. An automatic smile made its way to Jimin's lips.
"Yoongi." The shorter blonde guy said.

Jimin showed them the way and all four of them settled on the conference table. The chat went on for a while, and looked like Taeyang had forgotten to bring them the water. "So, I see your requirements-
"And you'll fulfill the needs then-ig?" Yoongi seemed to enjoy his inside joke even more, his teeth were showing through as he chuckled.

"Y-yes?" Jimin answered a little confused. During this whole talk, the increasing scent of oranges, brought back so many memories from last night, Jimin was barely surviving. He could remember some very precise details like how the guy bit into his thighs, and ran his tongue- Omg Jimin not the time for this. Of all the spice he remembered the most important one, the guy's face, remained a blank slate.

"We'll get going then." Taehyung stood up, flashing his body smile.
Jimin bowed. Once all three of the idols left the room, Jimin sighed. He didn't have any energy nor the capacity to think anymore, but at that exact moment-
"Not now Taeyang." Jimin gestured to the boy to leave. Taeyang apologised a few hundred times before leaving.

"Surprising how alcohol can make you wanna quit your job so fast." Jimin banged his head against the glass table. He wasn't sure if he would last any longer without being scolded by his boss. So he texted Taeyang about having his afternoon off. The boy must have been in a hurry because his reply contained a good few typos. But his afternoon was cleared successfully.

Jimin whined around a little about his life then called Hobi.
"oh my god what happened to my angel?"
"I'm sorry, just a headache." Jimin sighed on the phone.
"Are you free for a coffee right now?"
"Unfortunately no bubba, my manager called, I'm leaving early this evening."
"What? I thought you were gonna stay a few more days."
"I'm sorry my darling."
"It's fine, I'll go get myself some Orange mango drink from Starbucks."
"Baby?What's with you and oranges suddenly?"
"I don't know, it's all weird after last night. Anyways, let's talk about this later. Have a good flight back."
Jimin hung up.

Jimin hauled himself out of the building, avoiding any unnecessary conversations with his colleagues.
The nearest Starbucks felt too far away today, and why was it so crowded again?
Wait, it's Monday, people need coffee to survive..heh

"Um, an orange mango please."
Jimin slurped the cold beverage, briancells finally coming to senses.
It's always hard when artists come to them unannounced. How is he supposed to help them without even the slightest idea about their group?
KTS? What's even that? This was the first time he was hearing about them.

A prior appointment helped him research about the group's basic background and help them better with their....needs..anygays...
KTS seemed to want a graphic album cover, with the vaguest details Jimin ever heard.
Jimin pulled out his phone and tried searching KTS, but nothing popped up on the net.
Were they a rookie group?

The day ahead was a blur. A few more meetings then killing his eyes in front of the computer. Jimin just wanted to go and sleep.
"Park Jimin."
"Sir!" Jimin shuffled out his seat and greeted the CEO.
"Relax. I suppose you met the boys this morning?"
The boys-? The Boyz? What's this old man talking about?
"KTS sir?" Jimin asked.

"Yes, ofc them. What do you think?"
"Um-" What does Jimin think? That they are a very vague group? No company? Are they even real? And the short guy seemed weird..
"G-good?" Jimin gave a shaky thumbs up.
"Ah, I wasn't really sure about this but then went with it." CEO Lee, the man was younger than he looked but all the stress from the company got to him.

"My friend Shi hyuk, he was thinking about starting a kpop group. He is a well known producer, but wanted to try his hand in the idol industry." Jimin just kept nodding like a diligent employee even though it was past his work hours.
"I am really not into this area, but Bang convinced me to invest. So I agreed. We are debuting KTS."

Jimin's first reaction was to laugh, but then he would lose his job. And he couldn't afford that. Second one was to quit, because his boss had gone crazy. None of them are feasible.
"Um- debut KTS?" Jimin still questioned. How was a creative company, a designer company supposed to debut a music group? No sense was in the air.

"I know, I know, it's a little weird. We cannot technically debut them. But Bang Shi hyuk, has a company Bighit, he is going to debut them under it, and the company is going to be under our FUN creatives. So technically we'll be like a parent company to them.." Once Mr. Lee was finished talking, it made a little sense but it sounded ridiculous to Jimin.

"It's not your job, but I wanted you to appoint a manager for the group, so that they can plan their schedules better. You have been a great asset to our company ever since you joined. I trust your judgement, Park Jimin." Mr. Lee patted on Jimin's back and left his office with a smile on his face.

"RIDICULOUS. I WILL NOT BE DOING ANYTHING LIKE THIS." Jimin screamed in frustration as he skyped Hoseok.
"Jimin, you'll burst a nerve or something. I understand that you don't like this industry, but it's not like you have to perform on the stage?" Hoseok popped a piece of candy in his mouth.

It wasn't always that Jimin hated the idol industry. Once upon a time he wanted to be a part of the glamour too. The rocky road and loss of many loved friends down the stream made him bitter about it. Now he wanted nothing to do with it.
"See, you just need to find them a manager, help them with their albums and shit, then your job is over."

"Who knows Hoseok? That Lee shit! Who knows what he'll ask me to do next?" Jimin slumped down on his head, wrapping his blanket around his head.
"You are thinking too much about this. You aren't even directly involved with them. It's not like you are the manager. So suck it up Park Jimin, or I'll whoop your ass till you're traumatized."

Jimin mumbled incoherently while Hoseok scolded him some more for being childish.
That night Jimim drafted a brief notice about needing a manager online. He read a good few profiles and slept restlessly all night.

Ayo- why does my gayness progressively keeps increasing everyday- and why does my family's phobic attitude keeps revealing simultaneously

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