Chapter 7.

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The air was fresh, the loud sounds of children filling the air. It was a pleasant day, late August, when (M/N) found himself in Diagon Alley. Along with him was Draco and his father, who seemed nowhere near pleased to accompany the two boys. Yet, he appeared strangely determined, about something that (M/N) had yet to figure out what was.

The look on Mr. Malfoy's face wasn't exactly a foreign one. (M/N) knew it from his own father all too well. So as they moved past crowds of wizarding families and muggleborns beaming over seeing their first piece of magical candy, (M/N) didn't bother watching Mr. Malfoy much. Instead he was busy making sure Draco kept up with them. The blonde had a tendency to let his gaze wander and everytime they passed a shop he found himself pausing to look inside. Despite finding himself equally fascinated by the sight of new robes, a kid getting their first wand or the wonder of a broom on display, it was overruled by the feeling of Mr. Malfoy's cane on his shoulder when they started dragging behind. How Draco didn't think the same surprised him every time.

    (M/N) had dragged himself towards the display window Draco found himself stuck at this time, shocked when Lucius followed behind him. Draco was most likely gonna get scolded, he assumed. The blonde was marvelling over a broom, a really nice one if (M/N) had to say so himself. It was new, sleek and faster than any other model on the market. It was no surprise that it was exactly that broom that Draco had his mind set on getting. Though his ogling was cut short when Lucius started hovering over his shoulder. (M/N) was standing a bit to the side, simply watching. He had no reason to intervene after all. Lucius didn't say anything, simply watching the broom through the well polished window. (M/N) remembered his father telling him about the small fit that Lucius had thrown the year prior when he found out Harry Potter was allowed to join the quidditch team and not Draco. He had even sent letters, if (M/N) recalled correctly.

    Lucius' expression had shifted. His otherwise furrowed brows had softened a bit and he let out a small hum before standing straight again and nudging Draco with his cane. "Go inside. We're getting you a new broom," He said, Draco lighting up like a child on christmas before rushing inside the store. (M/N) had hesitated a bit, his eyes shifting between Mr. Malfoy and the broom as he tried to figure out just exactly what the older man was planning. He wasn't left to question much though as Mr. Malfoy nudged his shoulder with his cane, just as he had done Draco's, urging the boy to go inside as well.

    When the three had emerged, Draco was grinning widely. He looked a little mad, but had (M/N) father just bought brooms for the entire slytherin quidditch team, he would have most likely not looked entirely sane either. Draco wouldn't shut up about how he was gonna join the quidditch team when they went back for their second year, even as they entered the bookshop to get quills, ink and whatever else important. (M/N) had gotten distracted by Draco's excitement and had forgotten about the letter folded and placed inside his pocket. He hadn't needed it thus far anyways, Lucius seemed to have everything well planned for the day.

    What he hadn't planned for however, was the infestation of Gilderoy Lockhart fangirls in Flourish and Blotts. It was supposed to be a quick trip, at least in theory. But first the entrance was blocked and inside the sharp light from the many cameras seemed enough to get on Mr. Malfoy's nerves. At the very least his near constant frown had returned.

    It was this frustration that made Mr. Malfoy disappear into the shop almost immediately. He knew what he was there for and wasted no time getting it, leaving Draco and (M/N) simply standing around. If it wasn't for the fact that Mr. Malfoy had ordered (M/N) to hold a book he had brought, then he would have barely noticed the man move away from them. Lucius Malfoy never really seemed present, but instead more like a lingering presence hovering over their shoulders, and it was no different than usual that day. (M(N) had briefly flipped through the book, though as it proved to be nothing more than a blank notebook, he closed it again and redirected his attention while sighing. Draco was tucking on his sleeve like a toddler trying to get his mothers attention.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2023 ⏰

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