•𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓸𝓷𝓮•

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"NEVEAH" cormac shouts "NEVV" he shouts again throwing one of his jordan mids at me "mid like you" I laugh throwing it back at him "fuck off" he walks away "DOOR" I shout gesturing for him to shut my door "no" he walks down the stairs. Welp I'm up now.

I get up and put my pink fluffy sliders on, walking down the stairs and sitting on the kitchen counter where cormac and my mum were. "Anyone doing anything today?" She asks trying to make conversation "nope" i say swinging my legs "come with me if you want" cormac pipes up "where" I ask "I have to go to set were filming today" he says changing his shirt "put you're tits away" I laugh "neveah" my mum says looking at Me.

I'm in my room now scrolling through instagram when cormac peeps In "you coming to set?" He asks "yeah just give me a minute" I say as he walks away shutting the door. I pick out a pink bandana print tube top and black flares. I throw my clothes on running to sit on the bottom step of the stairs "IM READY" I shout putting my black and white airforces on "come on then" he says chucking his tech fleece at me "fucks that for?" I say looking at him "have you seen you're top" he says opening the door "whatever" I say putting the jacket over my shoulders.

I sit in the passenger seat putting me feet up on the dashboard "can we go shop on the way" I ask "yeah whatever" he says driving towards the shop "you coming in" I ask getting out "yeah" he says getting up.

We walk into the shop "NEVV" I hear someone shout, I turn to face where the voice came from "FIN" I run up to him and hug him "HIII" he hugs me back, a hand on my back and a hand on my lower back "oi mate watch youre hands" cormac says to him, cormacs always been sort of protective of me, when i have a boyfriend he'd be the first to meet him, i liked it honestly. I've always looked up to cormac.

"Boyfriend?" Fin whispered into my ear "brother" I pull away from the hug "message me" I say kissing his cheek, physical contact is my love language, wether is a hug or a kiss or even holding hands. Everyone knows that, I kiss everyone on the cheek. Even cormac sometimes when I feel like it. When Fin walks out cormac says "you got a boyfriend" he says nudging me "no he's literally my best friend" I say paying for my elf bars and walking out "Okay then whatever you say" he says following me.

When we get back in the car I put my feet back up on the dash board opening my vape. "I still can't belive you vape" he says pulling into his parking spot "whatever" I say opening the door and getting out.


𝑀𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑠𝑢𝑛~ 𝐾𝑖𝑡 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑛𝑜𝑟Where stories live. Discover now