𝟎𝟏𝟐 I've Got You, Kid

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Chapter Seven: The Bathtub

chapter twelve , I've Got You, Kid

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chapter twelve , I've Got You, Kid


Gus sits slumped in the chair and keeps her eyes on her handcuffs. She leans her head against the wall and closes her eyes. "This is why I avoid people."

Jonathan and Nancy look over at the girl.

"Did you...help them with that sign?" Nancy asks.

Gus opens her eyes. As soon as Gus' eyes met Nancy's, The Wheeler immediately sees the hurt in them.

"Do you seriously think I would do something like that?" Gus' voice was quiet like she was tired.

"I know we're not as close as we used to be but..." Gus inhales a shaky breath. "...am I really that different from before, that you have to doubt my integrity?"

A pain starts in Nancy's chest as she notices Gus' hurt expression. Nancy presses her lips into a small smile.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have even had that thought in my head." she shakes her head. "You would never do anything like that." she manages a small smile. "You're far too much of a Guster."

A faint smile forms on Gus' lips. "And don't you forget it."

The brunette closes her eyes, trying to keep her emotions in check. She had so much on her mind and she was just mentally exhausted from all the worry and teenage drama.

"I'm...I'm sorry that even happened," Gus says with her eyes closed.

"It's none of our faults," Jonathan speaks. "Tommy, Carol, and Steve are to blame."

"Don't forget Nicole," Gus states, opening her eyes. "She ran away early, but she was there..." she slowly shakes her head. "...she was totally fucking there."

"Did Fallon know that was going to happen?" Nancy asks, hoping her suspicions were wrong.

Gus' chest starts to hurt. Her eyes shift to Jonathan and Nancy. "She was the one who called me. She told me she wanted us to make up, but then I saw the sign and..." she covers her face. "...she lied to me."

The brunette winces from the pain in her hands. She takes them off her face and sighs. "How could she do that?"

"I'm sorry, Gus," Jonathan says.

"You don't deserve anything that happened," Nancy adds.

"Neither did you guys." Gus scratches the side of her nose.

"Hey, Jonathan?" Joyce quickly enters the station. "Jesus, what...what happened?"

Gus' eyes travel to Hopper. She waves her hands and he sighs. Gus took it as a sigh of disappointment. But Hopper was just relieved to see the brunette. Hearing her life story made Hopper so guilty about the way he treated her. Gus' timid smile lessens. The brunette always felt like a burden. And this just adds onto that.

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