𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝟥

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A thud echoed throughout the camp. Quiet, but it was more akin to an explosion as the forest fell deathly silent. The scent of smoke assaulted Cairo's nostrils and caused his nose to wrinkle, but it took him a moment to realize why. Esteban was holding a pistol. Cairo's pistol. His finger hovered over the trigger as a puff of smoke rose up from the chamber, a lingering reminder of the fateful shot. He slipped the gun back into its holster, allowing his fingers to run over the intricate inlays before taking a fleeting look at the body behind them.

By then, the chorus of yelling and cursing turned to a broken symphony of panic and uncertainty. Cairo found himself being pulled along by Esteban as he stumbled after him, tripping over his own feet as he attempted to keep up. He fumbled for his guns but that was rewarded only by a harsh jab to the ribs. Intentional or not, it forced the air from his lungs and left him gasping.

"Cairo, run."



Cairo found himself being shoved forward as the first of a barrage of shots rang out from across the camp. The whistling of bullets filled his ears as he found his footing and allowed himself to run without a second thought. The trees provided excellent cover but they also proved to be quite an obstacle at times. Especially since the only lighting available was the occasional patch of moonlight before the area was plunged into inky darkness once again. Judging by the irregular fall of footsteps coming from behind, he figured that Esteban was keeping up about as well as he could given the situation. The way he saw it, it was every man for himself at this point, but he still worried for his friends safety. After all, not long ago he wasn't able to carry himself at all.

Finding his way back to his horse was one of Cairo's top priorities, but as he ran it dawned on him that they were running away from where they needed to be. He doubted there would be any way to outrun the group given the condition that Esteban was currently in, and it was apparent that he was falling behind as his footsteps gradually receded farther and farther back. Without another thought, he came to a screeching halt and looked back in time to witness Esteban barrel straight into him.

Cairo took the brunt of the impact and found himself with a mouth full of soil and Esteban laying across him. Had it not been for the fact that they were still being shot at he would have laughed. Anything to make light of the situation. They were a tangle of arms and legs and neither were able to figure out who's appendage went with who, but it only took one hit to the face for Cairo to figure out where he lay in comparison to Esteban.

"Get off of me," Cairo snapped as he pushed desperately at the man on him, using what strength he could to push him off.

"Ow! Fucking stop!"

Esteban sat back onto his knees but with a final panicked shove from Cairo he found himself right back on the ground. His hand laid to rest on the now reopened wound that had carved a valley down his chest. A wound that he had previously forgotten about. It stung, but it was far from being at the forefront of his mind given the fact that they were still being chased. When it came time for him to move he found himself pausing briefly as he noticed Cairo stiffen, the whites of his eyes showing in the light.

Cairo's gaze appeared glued to his hands and the blood that slicked them. He turned as pale as the moonlight and his chest rose and fell in shallow, erratic intervals. With what little strength he had left, Esteban hauled himself up onto his knees and grabbed Cairo by the wrists.

"Look at me." Esteban pulled him behind a gnarled tree trunk as a bullet sent a flurry of bark raining down on them.

Cairo didn't respond as his gaze remained fixed firmly to his hand.

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