Edward Cullen Is A Creep

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Chapter Three -- Edward Cullen Is A Creep

"Kyungsoo, are the others come here?"

A soft and well spoken voice made the five girls turned to see a man with chocolate hair, soft rounded eyes, and magnificent smile. His smile widen when he saw the dining room consisted the five girls.

"Well, hello girls." The girls smiled at him, "Welcome back, Oppa/Gege!"

Do Joonmyeon just flashed his angelic smile. He wore a long sleeved gray sweater with a black backpack on his back. His pants are dark blue jeans and his shoes are a pair of high-top white converse.

He approached them and slumped himself on the chair beside Yixing. He smiled at the blushing dimples, "Hello, Yiyi."

"H-hello, Joonmyeon-ge," she stuttered but manage to flashed her famous dimples. The other girls bumped their shoulders together when they felt flowers comically erupted from the couple.

"Oh shit, they're flirting," Baekhyun whispered. Minseok quietly scolded her, "No cursing, Baekhyun!" Barkhyun rolled her eyes whilst the others just snickered softly.

Luhan nudged them with her elbow, "Hey, let's go to Kyung's room, I don't want to disturb their lovey dovey time." The others nodded and began pulling out from the dining room.


Luhan sighed loudly as she felt the soft quilt under her flesh. "I am so gonna sleep," she whispered slowly; beginning to close her eyes.

"Is she already asleep?" Minseok questioned, although her eyes never leave the TV in front of her. Baekhyun looked over to Luhan and confirmed it with her soft snore, "Absolutely asleep."

"Guys, Yifan-gege just texts me. He said that he would take the twins home," Kyungsoo announced looking at her phone. Minseok answered, still looking at the TV, "Does Zitao-jie is with him?"

"He used emoticons. So, yep." Minseok scoffed, "Tell him off then, we'll stay here tonight." Kyungsoo nodded and texted Yifan back.

The room then fell silent with Kyungsoo's phone sounds. A few minutes later, a blushing Yixing went in the room with a scowl.

"You guys are bully!" she shrieked. Her cheeks were flaming red. Minseok looked at her and snorted. "We may be a bully. But you liked it," she said, emphasizing at the 'liked' words.

"But you--urgh!" Yixing stomped off and sat beside Kyungsoo, who attempted to calm her. Baekhyun looked up from painting her toe-nails, "By the way, we're going to have a slumber party here."

"But, didn't Yifan-gege texted to pick us up?" Yixing questioned, tilting her head in process. Minseok answered, "I told him to be off. He is with Zitao-jie, after all."

Yixing nodded and peeked over the bed, seeing her twin sleeping peacefully. "She did like to sleep anywhere, didn't she?"

Baekhyun giggled and closed the lid of the nail-polish bottle. She twirled one of Luhan's golden lock to her index finger.

"A sleeping beauty, isn't she?"


Luhan yawned widely and looked around the room. Her friends and twin were all engrossed on the 'Twilght' movie. Luhan scrunched her nose, "Really? Twilight, again?"

"Oh. Shut up! Like you didn't like Avengers," Baekhyun replied irritably. Luhan rolled her eyes and replied, "Well, at least, they're cool."

"Please, Edward Cullen is the coolest."

Luhan waved her hand at Baekhyun. "Yeah, whatever," she said, walking towards Kyungsoo's dresser and pulling out a soft material towel with a big loose shirt and short shorts.

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