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Rosé's pov

I always thought I would be in a diffrent place right now. When I was younger I always looked up to her mom I also wanted to be like her.

When I was young I  loved singing . I remember when I was a child  I used to play the  piano and sing for hours. I always thought I would do something in it  become a music teacher perhaps. because becoming  a idol would never be possible a far sitted dream i might have had long ago when I was a little girl  but as everything else good in my life that was also  crushed.

As my mom  said "Roseanne a perfect woman keeps her mouth shut and works to take care of her family".

Lisa was the only one who got me but it's sad I pushed her away. She might have been right "Rosie you work yourself to hard for peoples opinion" I really think she was right.

I still remember her the first day she walked into class it was I think 2nd grade. Panpriya manoban with her black hair and big brown eyes she could make anyone smile . The teacher asked her to sit on my table as she greeted me I think i must have  thought we would be best friends . I still remember us Playing in the school grounds or sharing are food together she would always give me her meat in her plate
I have always been the foodie.

I don't know where she went or what she is doing or if she left town. I heard she went back to Thailand or to the states for further studies.

The first time my kid brain realized Lisa was different was when on "pack your own lunch box day" rather then a 5 star meal she got a simple fried rice to school accompanied with a letter from her mom.

I think that was the first time I actually felt jealousy or i  realized my mother never did or had done such a thing her way of "caring" is by buying things to "make me pretty" or telling me what to do or not to.

As I get ready for bed I think about what I could have changed maybe told the people I care about what i feel or tell Lisa my true feelings but it's sad. Here I am married and she is  out there somewhere.

Never Mind,I'll Find Someone Like You -chaelisaWhere stories live. Discover now