After the explorers return, they do a play.
Lois: Omg I'm like, the new student! Cute!!
Jaeson: Shut the fuck up.
Ocean: Omg I'm crazy!
Lois: Ok?
Celery: I'm a nerd!!
Jaeson: Shut the fuck up!
Celery: Ok?
Lois: My name is Lois.
Celery gets beaten up badly.
Celery: HELP IM DYING!!!
Lois: Hi I'm Lois.
Lois drags Celery to Pussy Class.
Stinky Helga: Settle down, settle down, I'm a teacher.
Lois: Hi I'm Lois.
Jaeson: SHUT UP.
The person named, Louise I think, eats lunch.
Itchy: I'm making potions!!!!
Lois: Hi, I think I haven't told you I'm Lois.
Itchy: Ok mystery boy.
Jaeson, Celery, and Ocean talk.
Ocean: Guys I literally heard this CRAZY rumor!!!
Celery: Please help me.... Im..I'm... gonna... die...
Jaeson: Shut up bloody girl.
Celery: Help.... me...
Celery literally dies.
Jaeson: Shut the fuck up :0
Jaeson looks at Lois and Itchy the Emo and calls them over.
Jaeson: You're Human?
Lois: Umm no I'm Lois.
Ocean: No you're human.
Lois: Yeah we all are.
Jaeson: Shut. The. Fuck. Up. Human. Ocean. Everyone.
Lois: So.. I'm Lois
Itchy: I know what to do!
Itchy gets body slammed and dies by Ocean.
Ocean: Oops I missed.
Lois: Is she gonna be ok.
Jaeson: Shut up. Nobody cares.
Celery: Fr human.
Lois: I thot you were dead.
Celery: I thought your name was Lois.
Lois: It is????
Jaeson: Shut up.
Ocean: I'm this emos emo book it says we can make people forget by making you drink thus nasty ass drink.
Lois: Ok what do we need?
Ocean: we need... oh... that's interesting... we need...
Lois: What?
Ocean: ...
Jaeson: Let me see.
Jaeson dies of laughing.
Jaeson: We need hehe... erehm.. we need.. roses, perfume from a ugly bitch, a strand of hair from a teacher, and hehe.. a vile of your mom.
Celery: Now is no times for jokes.
Jaeson: If you don't believe me, take a look.
Celery: OMG LMFAO SO FUNNY 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
Ocean: Well I have a rose.
Jaeson: and I have the hair from Helga.
Celery: Why do you u have that????
Jaeson murders Celery.
Lois: umm... I know an ugly person who owns perfume...
Jaeson: great!
Lois walks up to Johnathan Goode.
Lois: Hey. I need your perfume.
Jg: Awww so cute! You like me??? 🥺
Lois: Ew wtf no. Pls I have standards and self respect.
Jaeson mauls JG.
Ocean: Ok we just need the mommy vile.
Jaeson: Ew don't say that. 🤢
The three go to Loiss house and put his mom in a jar.
Ocean: Ok now drink this!
Lois: Umm? How tf am I supposed to drink my mom?
Lois Mom: Hi sweetie!
Lois: Ew.
And the three lived.
Like for part something!! 🥺💕💕💕💕
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