00. Strawberries & Cigarettes

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Play Date
Strawberries & Cigarettes

Play DateStrawberries & Cigarettes

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When Steve Harrington first approached Aurora Smith, whispering in her pierced ears about some heavenly play date and honey like delicacies, she thought she'd taken a trip around the bend

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When Steve Harrington first approached Aurora Smith, whispering in her pierced ears about some heavenly play date and honey like delicacies, she thought she'd taken a trip around the bend. But she was there, as were Nancy and Barbara, cornered by her closed grey, paint splattered locker, with the school's most popular boy leaning over her. Especially after the news shook the halls only that morning that Taylor Vaughn had broken up with Steve for someone she met on summer break, she was in quite the tiz.

Great dark eyes stared down at her as though she made the entire world, like her simply standing there in her paint coated overalls was enough to have his heart melting. How could one person say so much without moving their mouth at all, only the look in their eyes. She'd clutched her little art folder closer to her chest as she stared up at him, heart pounding and legs quivering at his simple actions. A hand through his hair, leaning over her with his hand against the lockers, his foot nudging her much smaller one.

From the first moment, she was utterly and completely infatuated.

So, when Steve asked her on a date, she gave him a wobbly nod, her own eyes practically love hearts. It didn't take a lot for Steve, his art of persuasion practiced to a T. If only the trio of girls hadn't missed the smug look Steve gave Tommy after the interaction, one that could've told them exactly what was planned. Instead, they were too busy with the giggles and shocked mouths, agape and unbelieving. In what kind of upside down world had they landed upon?

He romanced her. Effortlessly.

It was all too easy. Sweet, sweet aurora wore her heart on her sleeve. Each and every smile upon her bee stung lips came from the heart. Dates at the bowling alley, driving her home with a hand on her thigh, dinner at their nearest diner. Steve could've done it blind, but then he never would've witnessed her dazzling gaze and mysterious ways. He would've missed he way she brought her bottom lip between her teeth when she thoroughly concentrated. He would've missed all those opportunities to push her blonde locks past her gold clad ear. He would've missed the way that she looked up from him, all the way down at her just over five feet.

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