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It had been a month now, and Hooper was getting ready for his first ever battle in the Kingdom of the North. Chains were attached to his wrists and neck. He was pulled into the arena by these chains, and he stood there. Another being was pulled out, wearing the same chains. Then the king stood at a podium, "Welcome to our first battle in two years! On one side we have a brand new contestant," he announced, "Hooper! and on the other side, a long forgotten champion, Kampton!" Everyone in the stands cheered, cheering for Kampton, the "long forgotten" champion. The chains were taken off, and the king spoke in his loud voice, "Today you all will be treated with another battle, Hooper versus Kampton!" Another being came out and spoke for himself, "GET READY! HEADS UP! FIGHT!" the other one announced. In an instant  Kampton launched at Hooper, but Hooper rolled out of the way. Hooper stared at Kampton, who was still recovering, and launched, using a broken chain with an end sharpened to kill Kampton. And that was the end of the battle. The chains were re-attached and Hooper was pulled away to a cell where he would be kept.

It had been a year now since Hooper's first ever battle. Within the first year he learned how to speak, write and read, and now he was going into his 20th battle. The guards prepared him, setting up his gloves that knife would protrude from, sharpening the knife, and placing the Champion's clothing on. Hooper was confused, why was the champion's clothing on him? He ignored it, Hooper was pulled out to the arena. He stood there waiting for his opponent. His best friend from the Trading Senter, Triana, came out. Triana had been a caretaker at the Senter but know she was here, up against Hooper. The chains on both of them were taken off as his majesty began, "Welcome to the 20th battle since the first year the battles began once more! Today we have Hooper and a caretaker from the Trading Senter! Triana!" he yelled out to the crowd who all cheered.

Otis called out, "GET READY! HEADS UP! FIGHT!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2022 ⏰

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