New Friends, and New Foes

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Last time on Dragon Ball Z PRIMAL, Gohan and his friends resumed their daily lives as senior students of Orange Star High. But things got interesting as a popular spokesmodel and internet personality, Barry Khan Yanagi arrives as a new student. Gohan's kindness of helping his new fellow classmate was paid for in full by Barry intervening in a scuffle between our hero and a group of bullies. Just who is Barry Khan, and where does he stand amongst Gohan and the Orange Star Trio? Find out, now!

Hanuman Café, Hercule City, Age 774

A black Capsule Corporation issued hovercar modeled after a mustang was driving through the streets of Hercule City.

In the driver's seat was Barry Khan Yanagi, wearing a black leather jacket, a plain white t-shirt, blue jeans, and a pair of brown work shoes.

Next to him on the passenger's side was a thin pale skinned girl with chestnut hair and dark eyes. The girl had a dark brown scrunchy to tie her hair, a light tan jacket, a dark brown shirt, brown overalls, and a pair of white sneakers with orange accents.

"...T-Thanks for giving me a ride, Barry." Stuttered the girl. "It's nice to t-travel together every once in a while. You know, like a family."

Barry only sneered, not even bothering to look in her direction.

"Tch. Whatever..." The blond said. "I'm just doing what Father ordered. And it's Zeta while we're in private, Alpha. You can drop the sisterly act unless we're in the public eye."

The girl looked down at her feet, muttering "...But my name is Cocoa."

"Ha! Yeah, whatever helps you sleep at night, big sis." Barry heckled while purposely hitting a bird on his windshield, causing her to jump.

"Oh no, that poor bird!" The girl, now named Cocoa, gasped.

The young spokesmodel simply shrugged as he shamelessly said, "Eh. Not my problem. It should have watched where it was flying. Damn animals."

Cocoa could only sigh as she stared out the window in a longing manner.

After fifteen minutes of driving, they eventually made it about two blocks away from her job as per Cocoa request..

"I still don't understand why you have to work at this dump. Father is already loaded enough for you to not have to work for the rest of your days. It's unbecoming of our family name to even be associated with such a low-class joint." Barry chided.

"It's a change of pace, okay?" Cocoa answered evenly. "Dad sent you to school as a student, and I work at a café as a waitress. Besides, it's not like I'll be of any use to him while he has you and his other projects. I'm sure he wouldn't mind."

With that, she exited the car, taking her crimson purse with her.

"I'll see you later, little bro-"

Before she could finish her sentence, Barry took off, leaving her to awkwardly stand in place.


Cocoa sighed again, thinking to herself, 'Why does he have to be this way? I only want to be a sister to him. Isn't that what we were made for?'

Cocoa began to walk in the direction of her occupation, unaware of her surroundings. Instinctively, the young woman wanted to get to work as quickly as possible, so Cocoa decided to speed walk, only for her to bump into a group of thugs, made up of six people.

Their leering gaze with a hint of malice sent chills down her spine.

"Hey, baby. Where do you think you're going?" The tallest thug asked, with his other lecherous friends walking behind him with not-so-subtle intentions.

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