My third Survivor season is here! 3 million is on the line, as 18 new castaways will head to Wumpa Islands, the residence of Crash Bandicoot!
Jeff Probst takes new risks this season, as strategy is the last thing some castaways have to worry about...
Armstrong: Nice work. Couldn't have done it without you.
Kakashi: We hold the same sentiment.
Armstrong yawns in his confessional.
Armstrong: This Kakashi is good at making things happen. Why do i give HIM most of the credit? I saw the way he was looking at Gamora's picture, that guy knows something more. I need someone like that on my side.
In the background footage, Scott is stretching in the shelter.
Armstrong: But I'm a massive guy, and my names out there now. I don't care if the Greens are planning out a sneak attack, I need to sign a peace treaty. It's either that or go with two people who hate my guts by now.
Before Armstrong leaves Kakashi..
Armstrong: *whisper* Talk to me in the morning.
Armstrong heads into the shelter, and lays down next to Scott.
Armstrong: Catch some Z's, Scotty.
Scott slowly chuckles due to fatigue.
Scott: Do I LIKE that Armstrong's here? No. Am I going to betray the people I've known for 10 days over an opinion? Hell no. Whatever happens happens, and if we have to fight for ourselves soon, that's because we played ourselves.
Kakashi is the only one out of the shelter. He starts popping his wrist.
Kakashi: Armstrong knows that he's a shield. He takes the shots and the attention away from us. While he could try to tally the troops, he should know he's not the only one who can play politics. Even though my teammates could pull a move, we make up half. All I would need, is one little push, and Armstrong is eliminated...
In the background footage, Armstrong is snoring.
Kakashi: But I must state again that keeping Armstrong is in MY best interest. After he's gone, who's the strongest left? Me. Id rather use my powers as little as possible to keep that red target off.
Meanwhile, Chun is laying down, eyes open and staring at the ceiling.
Chun: That is twice I've trusted someone, and twice I've been blindsided. It will not happen again. I'll drag Cinderella, I'll find this immunity idol he speaks of, and I'll take them out: Armstrong, Kakashi, Frieza. The pacifist Chun is gone, it's war time.
————————— Violet Tribe— Night 10
Vegeta is walking in silence, when Frieza's voice makes him wince.
Frieza: That trick didn't work out, did it?
Vegeta: For your own sake, be quiet.
Frieza: For MY sake? YOU are the one on the bottom, monkey.
Steve: MONKEY? He doesn't even have a tail!
Frieza: Steven, step away.
Steve: Steven?!
Frieza: So volatile. It's no wonder I beat them.
Steve: This Freezer guy is a top notch ASSHOLE! All caps!
Back at camp..
Vegeta: Bottom or not, I DON'T HAVE the energy to deal with, oh actually, I do, I'm just not going to waste my time..
Vegeta: I hated him then, I hate him now. What's worse is that my two BEST allies, are eliminated. Now I must find my way out of this!
While that fight happens, Nebula's confessional airs.
Nebula: Voting off 18 is best for me. If Armstrong had my back, he would keep Gamora in so I could have my revenge. Now it's a new dawn for the Violets, and changes will be made.
She looks to drift off to sleep, as the moonlight beams on the Violet camp. Heather and Kevin are bearing witness, as Friezaand Vegeta continue arguing, with Steve chiming in on occasion.
Kevin: It's annoying, I know.
Heather just sighs.
Heather: Not even I argued that much!
Heather: I FINALLY have power, but of course it has a downside! I may be confident, but Frieza is arrogant.
Kevin: I don't really care who shouts at who, as long as I can stay in.
******************** A potential Armstrong/Kakashi alliance? More drama on the Violets? Episode 6 will follow up on this!
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